Descent Coverage

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That night as Anya was in bed, she heard ring tone from her bag. "What the fuck?" she whispered, as she answered her phone.

"Anya?" the voice in the other end was choppy, but Anya was certain it was Morgan Stark.

"Morgan..." Anya breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Where are you?" Morgan asked.

"Let's just say bad era to be me..." Anya looks at the floor length mirror, "in sunny California..."

"Who are you talking to?" the door cracked open.

"Peggy?" Anya turns around.

"Did you just say 'Peggy' as in Peggy Carter?" Morgan asked on the phone.

"Peggy Carter?" Natasha's voice rang.

Anya rolled her eyes as everyone came into her room, "Here talk to Mary." Anya puts the phone against Mary's ear.

Anya walked towards the kitchen, "That would be a mobile phone or a cell phone; it works wirelessly via cell towers, but according to Morgan her and Sophia rewired my phone so that it could be used without signals." Anya put her hands on the marbled bar.

Peggy looks at Anya, and so does Jarvis, Howard, and Wilkes, who hasn't taken his eyes off of Anya, Sousa, on the other hand, had eyes only for Peggy. Peggy clears her throat as Ana Jarvis walks in diverting Jarvis's eyes to Ana, his wife.

Mary walked into the kitchen, "So… Uncle Bruce, Aunt Betty are helping dad fix the old time machine…" Mary hands Anya back her phone.

Kelly sat on the bar stool, "Then they're missing the key ingredient…"

Everyone turns to Anya, Anya sighs, "My blood…"

"What?!" Howard with confusion and anger mixed on his face.

Peggy asked, "Is there any other alternative?"

Kelly sighs, "No… I'm afraid Anya's blood is vital to stabilize the other chemical compounds… Uncle Steve's blood will exilirate the chemicals which will end in boom! As for Aunt Nat's blood, her version of S³ can slow the chemicals which will end in boom! Or they can recreate the S³ like I did…" Kelly chuckles, "they'll never get that, formula…"

"Boys are stupid?" Peggy guessed.

Anya let out a giggle, "Well, yes… but also cause that requires my blood…"

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