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As Anya walked out of the jet, and Asian woman came out of the small cottage holding a gun.

Louna was watching the whole thing unravel from inside the jet.

"Aunt Mel." Anya nodded. "Uncle Phil?"

"Inside…" the woman replied.

Anya sighs, as she walks in the cottage; where she saw a man on the couch having a beer and watching football. Anya cleared her throat.

"Nat?" the man looked at Anya.

"Close," Anya smirks. "very close."

The man stood up, "Anya. How are you?"

Anya nods, "I've been better, and yourself?"

"Good, good."

"I need your guys's help…" Anya blurted out, "Mary's missing and we think she was taken by centipede—"

"We?" the woman asked, "Who else knows?"

Anya could feel the anxiety rise from the pit of her stomach, "I brought the whole gang…"

As she said it, Thor, Bruce, Tony, and Clint came out of the jet carrying boxes.

Clint walk towards Anya, "Your mother's having trouble landing the jet…"

"Okay…" Anya nodded as she came back out and looked up at the jet that was held in place by a rope. Anya shook her head, as she untied the rope and begun climbing it.

Louna was looking down from the opened door, "Good thing, you changed into pants."

"Shut up." Anya rolled her eyes, as she got to the top, "Help me up."

Louna chuckles as she pulls her friend up to the jet, "Your mother's having trouble with Vidia…"

Anya squinted before sarcastically adding, "You don't say."

As they walked towards the cockpit, Louna was briefing Anya. "[…] it says here that she's somewhere in—" She cut off by the jet going haywire and both Anya and Louna fell to the right.

"Ow!" Anya yelled. "That's it!" Anya gasped, as she ran towards the cockpit, "Off my seat!"

Natasha glared at Anya, "What?!"

"Off. My. Seat!" Anya said more forcefully, "What you can't understand English?!"

Natasha stood up, "Fine! Have fun trying to land this tincan."

Anya sat down and pressed a few buttons and successfully landed. Anya stood up and smugly added, "And you were saying?"

Steve chuckles at the copilot seat, as Natasha glared at him.

Anya grabbed a few of the boxes and followed Peter off the jet. "So you guys found where Mary might be?"

Kelly nodded, "Yeah, according to the GPS on her phone she's somewhere in New Mexico. It's very general…"

"It's good." Anya reassures. "At least, we have a start."

"Yup." Morgan nodded, as the remaining Stark siblings, Barton siblings, Cassandra, Scott, Hope, Louna, Loki, Anya, and her parents walked out the jet.

Melinda looked at Anya, who smiled at her, "I did say I brought the whole gang."

Phil was glaring at Loki, who glared back. Anya pleads, "Please testosterone's… aside."

"He killed me!" Phil complained.

"I… know that," Anya turns to look at Phil, "but can you please let it go… for now, please? And I promise you can kill each other later on…"

"Anywho…" Kelly cleared her throat, "what can you tell us about Project Centipede?"

"Not much…" Melinda admitted, "it was one of Hydra's attempts to create super soldiers…"

"Did they succeed?" Steve asked.

"Briefly, Captain. The device they used had some side effects, lethal ones."

Kelly looks at Anya, "Why didn't they take me, instead? If their thing is recruiting S³, then they should've taken me instead of my sister."

Anya sighs, "Hey this isn't your fault."

"What we need is a plan." Lila  announced, "Anya, what do we do?"

Anya glares, "This is no time for my leadership."

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