Damn! They're good!

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"I'm surprised Lady Natasha allowed Anya to go on the undercover mission." Thor sighs into the earpiece.

"I did not allow her she went without permission, with your niece!" Natasha yelled.

Tony rolled his eyes, "I have two daughters in the belly of the beast, I don't care if Natasha allowed or disallowed her daughter to go. I am worried about my daughters."

Then all of sudden a loud thump! was heard. "Cassandra Eleanor Lang." Hope scolded.

Cassie's voice suddenly became apparent, "You people are blowing up our eardrums. Please, I beg you stop yelling."

"Mom!" Anya screamed.

Natasha almost fell off her seat, "What?!"

Anya smirked, "I was just testing if you, people can hear, because my eardrums are blown."

"Anyways," Mary sighs as her and her sister sat down, "we are in... what's next?"

Louna grimaced, "Um... yeah... Anya's flirting with the leader's brother..."

This time Natasha did fell off her chair, "What?! Stop her!"

Louna was about to stop Anya, when Lila suddenly realized, "Wait don't stop her! This is our way in."

Anya then embraces the man and smiles, before walking back to her friend, "Okay got it! The code is 11111918."

"What are the odds?" Louna face-palmed.

Anya chuckles, "You, people, got that?"

"Got it!" Peter sighs.

"Seriously," Kelly asked, "that's the code?"

"You flirted to get that?" Lila asked.

"No, I flirted to get the url and a map for each of the locations of their centralized computers." Anya smirks to herself.

"And where is this magical map?" Cooper questions.

"On whack-a-monster file 'Cute Lil Map'." Anya explains.

"It should appear... Now." Sofia pressed enter on her keyboard.

Peter, Kelly, Cooper, Cassie, and Anya looked at their app and it was indeed there.

A chorus of, "Thanks Sof." was heard.

"Yeah, you people owe Anya Starbucks..." Sofia shook her head, "She did almost all of the work."

"No, it's called teamwork." Anya smiled, "But yeah, you guys owe me Starbucks."

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