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"Mary," Shepherd sighs, "there's no easy way to say this…"

Mary put her hand up, "Don't bother, ma'am, I already know… I'm fired, aren't I?"

Shepherd could only nod, it was a difficult decision but the board of the hospital, which Dr. Jacobs was apart of, forced her to fire Mary. "So what's next for you?" Shepherd asked the younger doctor.

Mary stood up, "Guess, I could always go back to New York." Mary was hurt, she loves California and had grown to love the hospital, the staffs, and her patients. Mary, in short, was heartbroken by the news; this was the one place where she wasn't just one of the four Stark children or that one girl in the A-Team. She was Dr. Mary Stark; she really made a name for herself here. As she walks in her apartment that she shared with Samantha, Mary hung her labcoat on the sterilized coathanger, "Friday, sterilize my coat."

"Of course, Dr. Stark." the AI responded, as the coat was wist away to be sterilized. "Professor Gibson is at the terrace."

Mary walks onto the terrace, and sees her girlfriend in deep thought while looking at the papers of her students. "Hey professor." Mary cleared her throat.

"Doctor." Samantha nodded, "You're home early…"

"So are you." Mary smiles.

"Well, my students have exams today and finished early so I got home early." Samantha explained. "How was work?"

Mary sat down and started sobbing, "I got fired."

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