City of Stars

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"Ms. Carter…" a tall man with an English accent that sounded like Vision greeted, as Peggy and the A-Team got out of the plane.

Peggy put her red sunglasses on, "Mr. Jarvis, I'd like you to meet Nancy, Wendy, Elena, Marie, Lauren, and Dylan, agents of SSR Alaska… Agents, Mr. Jarvis, Mr. Howard Stark's butler."

The whole car ride, the A-Team had added to their undercover alias's backstory.

"Rose." Peggy smiled.

"Peggy!" Rose grins as she ushered Peggy and Anya inside.

"How is…" Peggy hesitated, "everything?"

Rose smiles, "'Everything is the door to your left… can't miss him."

Anya wondered why Peggy acted really weird, almost as if she was avoiding something or someone. As soon as Anya saw the dark haired young man with a limp, she understood.

"Peggy?!" the man seemed to be shocked to see Peggy, "Wha— what…" he stutters.

Peggy smiles, "You never asked for me, did you?"

The man shook his head.

Peggy frowned, "This is Agent Nancy from Alaska. Agent Nancy Rhian, Chief Sousa."

Anya smiles and shakes the man's hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Chief Sousa."

Sousa looked at Anya, intrigued. "I can assure you, Ms. Rhian pleasure is all mine."

Anya felt awkward as she tried to remember something about the name Sousa.

"Agent Rhian?" Sousa snapped, "Is everything alright?"

Anya simply smiled, "Oh yes, chief, everything's just fine… just thinking about something my mother said about men holding guns…"

"And what would that be, Ms. Rhian?" Peggy mused.

Anya shook her head, "I'm uncomfortable with repeating it." Anya smiles at Peggy, "I should really study the case…"

Peggy hands the file to Anya, "Here."

Anya sat down on the couch and read over the file making sure she doesn't miss anything.

As Peggy looks at Anya studying her, "She seems so familiar…"

Sousa sighs, "Thompson really told you that I asked for you?"

Anya stood up and gave the file back, "Interesting, may we see the corpse? I must admit, my cousins: Elena and Marie, are the science nerds, I am just the representative…"

"Of course," Sousa shocked at Anya's request, "how many are with you?"

"Seven," Peggy responded, "counting Mr. Jarvis." Peggy gestures for Anya to collect them.

As they entered the lab, Anya did a speedy run down of the case to her cousins.

Before entering they were met by a bitchy woman not letting them in.

"Pardon my comrades for their very harsh orders," Nathan smiles as he held the front desk lady's hand. Nathan winks, "but the thing is this woman in the picture might have a family and friends wondering where she is… we just wanna talk to people who knew her…" Nathan but his lip, "Can you help us, help her, beautiful?"

"I really shouldn't," the lady contemplated then, "What the hell, you're attractive."

As soon as Peggy got kicked out, an African American man, Dr. Jason Wilkes gave Peggy his number… and Nathan got the woman in the front desk's number.

"Looks like—" Nathan began to tease Anya but stopped as three men gave Anya pieces of papers.

Lila laughs, "Numbers?"

Anya shrugs, "What else?"

"Must be having an off day," Kelly smirks, "its already 4pm and we've been out for five minutes and you only got three sets of seven digit numbers…"

Anya shakes her head, as Howard Stark entered the car. "You look very familiar…" he pointed at Mary.

Mary looked at her grandfather, "Marie Winchester… huge fan, Mr. Stark, especially the camera pen…"

Howard grins, "Nice to meet a fan."

Anya rolled her eyes.

"And you, my dear, should be in the silver screen…" Howard smirks at Anya and winks.

"Get your hands off of my lap," Anya growls, "if you wanna keep it."

Howard retreats his hand away from Anya, "I like you."

"Oh swell!" Anya sarcastically said and then turned to look at Kelly, "It's official."

Mary frowns.

The A-Team members remain with their cover intact until one faithful afternoon, Jarvis ran out the car, "Ms. Lauren, your brother, Mr. Dylan was taken… by Masters men."

Anya's jaw dropped and she proceeded to walked fast paced towards the car…

"Ms. Rhian?" Jarvis tried to stop her.

"Agent Rhian…" Sousa called, "I order you to stop!"

Those words rang in Anya's mind, as she turn around, "Let's get one thing straight, my name is Anya Stephanie Romanoff Rogers. I am the only daughter of Captain Steven Grant Rogers to Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff Rogers. I came from the future 21st century…"

"Wha—" Peggy walked closer to Anya, "what are you saying?"

Anya put one hand on her hips, "I'm your exboyfriend's daughter from the future…"

"You liar!" Peggy pulled Anya's hair.

Anya kicked Peggy away, just as Kelly, Louna, Mary, and Lila helped Anya up. Sousa held Peggy by the arms.

"Let go of me, Sousa!" Peggy growls.

Sousa sighs and did as he was told. Peggy pointed her finger at Anya, "Liar." and left.

Lila embraced Anya.

Mary looks at Howard, "I'm sorry, we lied about who we are but you have to know that what Anya said back there was the truth… and here's mine, my name is Mary Virginia Stark. Not Marie Winchester." Mary looked at Howard, "And I am your granddaughter."

"Prove it!" Peggy sternly said to Anya, "Prove that you truly are Steve's daughter…"

Anya stood up, "And how exactly do you want me to do that?"

Kelly gasped, "The blood!" "Do you still have the vile that had Captain America's blood, Peggy?"

Peggy nodded, "Of course but the blood is all gone…"

"Not entirely," Mary sighs, "traces of his blood is in Anya…"

"How exactly does that help us?" Louna asked.

"You are on to something, Steve's blood is toxic but if you are who you say you are, it shouldn't do anything?" Howard sighs.

Anya was not happy about the outcome, but she knew she had to regain Peggy's trust. Anya sat on the cold steal lab table and had one arm out, as Howard drew blood from her and placed it in the vile. "It's not possible."

Anya sighs at the thought of having once again prove her paternal line.

Peggy stood by the door with Mrs. Ana Jarvis, as they peered through the glass doors of the lab. Howard walks out and looks at Peggy, "She is Steve's daughter, no doubt about it."

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