Phone Call from Waverly PD

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Anya was in her bed, fast asleep when her phone started vibrating on her nightstand.

"319-555-5555…" Anya read the number, as her heart began to thump loudly against her chest. "Hello?" she answered shakily.

"Anya?" it was Nathan.

"It's 4 am this better be an emergency!" Anya frowned.

"I'm in a bit of trouble…" Nathan sighs.

"Describe a bit…" Anya sat up.

"I'm in the jailhouse…"

Nathan flinched, as Anya started screaming at him, "What?! WHAT. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU. DOING. THERE?! AND. WHY. CALL. ME?!" Anya calms down, "I'll get you out."

"Thank you," Nathan smiles, "your my favorite cousin."

A few hours went by, Anya finally made it to the sheriff's station. "Right this way, Ms. Rogers." a policewoman escorted Anya to the desk. "Mr. Barton was caught in Dr. Johnson's daughter's bedroom."

Anya shook her head, "How much is the bail?"

"$1million. Cash or bonds."

Anya took out a stack of cash from her purse and placed it on the desk.

The police grabs the keys and let's Nathan out, Anya glared at him.

"Oh come on, Anya," Nathan tilted his head, "You can absolutely make that money in an hour…"

Anya crossed her arms, "Not the point! What the hell were you doing inside that girl's bedroom?!"

"Willa and I had a fight and I came by to apologize." Nathan explained.

Anya closed her eyes, "It was just a misunderstanding."

"Exactly…" Nathan nodded, "can you not tell mom?"

Anya looked at him, "Sure… yeah."

The minute they both got out of the building, Clint was waiting in his truck.

"What?" Anya asked, "I said I won't tell Aunt Laura, I never said anything about Uncle Clint."

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