Anya Romantic?

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"So what's up with you and Jack?" Louna asked.

"Nothing…" Anya shakes her head and proceeds to text.

Louna turns her back and leans against the kitchen sink, "Uhuh, nothing, right…"

Anya snorts, turns around, and waters the plants.

"Then why are you watering the plants?" Louna asked. No response. "Fine, then, answer me this," Louna pressed on, "who are you texting?"

Anya turns to face her friend, "No one…"

"'Nothing'," Louna smirks, "and 'No one' those are your answers?"

"Yes." Anya nodded. "Well, ima go." Anya walks out.

Louna shakes her head, as the Stark siblings walked in. Peter sighs, "What up with Anya?"

Louna looked out the window, "Anya's got a secret boyfriend…"

"Anya?" Peter looked shocked, "Ms. Anya loveisoverrated Rogers? That Anya?"

"Yes." Louna nodded.

"Well, that would explain the secret texts…" Mary sighs.

Kelly leans against the table, "And the sudden mood change…"

"Oh c'mon," Morgan defends, "Anya has always been happy but secretive…"

"Okay fine…" Louna sighs, "Do we really wanna know why Anya's been acting weird?"

"Yes." Mary's eyebrows went up as she nods.

Louna puts down the emerald green watering pot, wipes her hands dry, and takes out her phone; she began to type.

Peter looked worried, "Are we sure we wanna do this? I mean this isn't just hacking into the Pentagon, we are hacking into Captain America's and Black Widow's daughter's phone… There's a chance that we might not like what we uncovered…"

"Plus, Aunt Nat scares me." Mary admits.

"Louna?" Natasha walks in with Steve and was surprised to find the Starks were also there. "What are you—" Natasha shook her head, then turns to Louna, "Can you hack into Anya's phone?"

"It's not that we don't trust her," Steve sighs, "it's just she's changed… As her parents, we like to know what goes on in her life…"

"I'm in!" Louna announces.

"In where?" Fury asked as he and Maria Hill walk in.

Silence, Louna looks at Natasha, as Hill ask, "In where? Louna?"

"Anya's phone…" Louna admits.

"You hacked into Anya's phone?" Bruce steps in with Betty and Sophia.

Clint and his family soon followed, as well as, Tony and Pepper with Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, her parents, and Cassie. Lastly, Thor and Loki walked in.

"Is that everyone?" Louna asked. "Okay," Louna scrolls down, "Jack Sousa texted at 5 am Eastern Time, 'Good morning, beautiful'. Which she replies, 'Morning, what time is it there?' He says, 'Two am, but don't worry I'll wake up with you everyday.' She replies, 'Different timezones but one heart.'," Louna turns her phone off and sets it down, "who knew Anya was such a romantic?"

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