Summer Wedding

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Mary's first:

Anya walks down the aisle:

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Anya walks down the aisle:

Anya walks down the aisle:

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Followed by Kelly:

Followed by Kelly:

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Then Lila, maid of honor:

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Then Lila, maid of honor:

Then Lila, maid of honor:

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At the end was Cassie:

At the end was Cassie:

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s Cassie got to the end of the aisle, Harry Stanley held out his hand:

s Cassie got to the end of the aisle, Harry Stanley held out his hand:

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they walked towards preacher together.

"Who gives this woman away?" Preacher asked.

Scott Lang stood up, "Her mother and I do."

Hope smiles, as tears rain from her eyes.

Then the celebration went on, "I've been told you wrote your own vows..."

Harry took Cassie's hands, "Attorney Cassandra Lang, our first meeting at the small cafe in New York in a small table was a moment I will never forget. It was the day, I met my better half, my one true love, the woman I would someday marry. I love you, Cassie. I've loved you since the first time I heard your voice, since our first date, our first kiss, our first and last goodbye. I love you."

Cassie wipes her tears away, "Harry, our first meeting wasn't ideal but it certainly was a memorable one. I didn't know it then that we'd stay together, I had no idea first date, first kiss oblivious. Our first goodbye, I thought we were over, but you fought for our love. I was never one to believe in forever. 'Nothing is certain in the world,' my Grandpa Hank would say. And Grandma Janet would pull me into her embrace, 'But you can count on one thing, no matter what happens I will be on your side.' When they met you, they had mixed feelings, they knew then that we would end up here. So to restate what they said to me, 'Nothing in this world is certain, but you can count on one thing that I will be beside you when you need me,' cause I love you, Harry Stabler."

The preacher asked, "Do you Harry take Cassandra Lang to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness, in health, til death do you part?"

Harry's purple eyes looked at Cassie's brown one, "I do."

"And do you Cassandra take Harry Stabler as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness, in health, til death do you part?"

Cassie smiled, "I do."

"I, now, pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Harry takes Cassie in his arms, dips her, and kisses her.

After the ceremony, everyone was by a campfire. "Where's your boyfriend?" Kelly smirks at Anya.

"What?" Anya looks confused.

"Jack Sousa..." Kelly clarified.

Anya sighs, "Not my boyfriend..."

Louna grins, "Sure could have fooled me, after that kiss."

Anya rolls her eyes, "You mean the kiss we did to hide from the paparazzi."

"Heard that before..." Clint chuckled.

Anya frowned, knowing exactly what Barton was talking about.

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