No Date?

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As everyone sat on their designated table, the Starks and the Rogers sat around the same table as the Asgardian sat at the next table with Vision and Wanda.

Tony puts his drink down, "I still don't get why you came without a date, Anya..."

Anya puts her glass down and wipes her mouth, "Two reasons. Reason one, mom, and two, dad. Any other questions I can answer?"

Louna sat down next to the empty seat next to Anya, "And, of course, the hidden reason, why have a date when you can dance with every eligible bachelors..."

Anya turns to face her friend, "No."

Kelly put her hands on the table, "Yes."

"No." Anya repeated.

Mary smiles and a sing song voice, "Yes."

Anya shook her head, "Nope."

Louna inched her chair closer to Anya, "Yes."

Anya put her hands in surrender, "Fine, yes. Happy?"

Both Steve and Natasha looked at their daughter and said in unisons, "Worried."

Mary looks up, "Oh. My. God!"

"What?!" Anya tries to turn around but Kelly saw and turn her friend around.

"It's the person from that place and time..." Kelly responded.

"What?!" Anya began to worry, "What the hell is he doing here?!"

Louna frowned, "A. He's stalking us. B. He's invited. C. Coincidence. D. He's working."

"How bout E. A, B, and D?" Kelly asked.

"Oh screw you..." Anya shook her head.

"Oh, he's approaching..." Mary sighs looking at the man.

"With Dye Job..." Louna whispered.

"Okay, who the hell is..." Natasha began and was cut short as Anya yelped in pain and chaos erupted.

Sharon Carter had pulled Anya's hair up, "HOW. DARE. YOU?!"

Anya quietly asked, "How dare I what?"

"DON'T. PLAY. DUMB. WITH. ME. GIRL. YOU. VISITED. MY. AUNT!" Sharon screamed, as the guests began to leave in fear, Peter and MJ walked over to them.

Natasha was ready to kill Sharon, as was Steve, when Tony sighs. "Let go of her, Agent 13."

"Carter!" Fury called out. "Let Anya go that's an order agent!"

As the young man with Sharon aimed a gun at Fury. "Hello beautiful, your mother stole Captain Rogers from my aunt..."

"Your Aunt?" Anya questioned, as she held her breath.

Sharon pulled out her gun as Natasha was charging her Widow's Bite. "Come any closer, and your baby girl's brain will explode!" Sharon threatened putting the gun to Anya's head.

Natasha looks at Anya's eyes trying to search for emotions: fear, sadness, anger, but nothing Anya's eyes only conveyed happiness.

"How can my mom 'steal' my dad, was he ever your aunts?" Anya asked.

Sharon grip Anya's hair tighter.

Anya looks up at Sharon, discreetly grabs a knife at the table, and stabs Sharon. "Let go off me, slut!"

As Sharon let's Anya's hair go to cover her stab wound, Anya twirled around and faced Sharon. "You bitch!" Sharon began to yell in pain.

Sharon was ready to slap Anya, when Natasha grabbed Sharon's hand. "I wouldn't," Natasha warned, "you hurt my daughter and I'll kill you... I've got red in my ledger and would gladly add you on my hit list!"

Sharon smirks, "This isn't over, Romanoff!" as she and her nephew left.

Natasha looks at Anya, "You okay?"

Louna noticed the bloodstain on Anya's dress, "She's hurt."

"What?" Anya turns, "That's her blood..."

"Ho- how?" Louna asked.

Anya looked at her friend, "You try stabbing someone behind you..."

Mary pursed her lips, "Leave it to Anya, to grab a knife in the middle of a gunfight."

Kelly laughs, "In her defense, it worked."

"Yeah but she got blood on her dress." Tony frowned.

"Oh that's an easy fix." Anya waved it off, "I just need lemon, baking soda, and cold water."

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