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An arrow went flying through it, then a web was shot down and Spiderman appeared in front of the villains. "Sorry, we're a little late."

Anya grins at Cassie who appeared wearing her Wasp outfit and Lila with her bow and arrow, with her brothers, of course.

"Where have you guys been?" Kelly smirked.

Anya united herself and stood up, Louna glared at her, "You could have done that two minutes ago?"

Anya smirked, "If I did, where would we end up?"

"Just untie me!" Louna ordered.

As they punched, shoot, and stabbed the enemy, Cooper and Nathan untied the rest.

As soon as everybody was free, Steve called out, "Avengers…" Anya looks at her dad; Steve frowned, "You do it!"

Anya smiles at  Kelly and nods, signalling it was time to fight. Arrows were thrown, shots were fired, and swords were slashed.

Anya saw Susan running away towards the door, and like always Anya chased her.

"You never give up, do you Rogers?!" Susan whipped her head around.

Anya sighs, "Sorry, not in my vocabulary." Anya pointed her fingered ring and electricity shot from it and towards Susan, who groaned in pain. Anya walked towards Susan, "Please don't make this harder than it has to be and just surrender."

Susan revealed a remote with one red button, "Don't come any closer, this button is connected to a series of bombs in the area. One press and this whole building collapses and bye bye Avengers!"

Anya swallowed vomit that had come up from her throat. "You don't have to do this… You can just give me the remote and walk away, don't let your anger towards me fester in you and explode taking innocent lives with it."

Susan sighs, "Sorry." and then pushed the button. 

The building collapsed, as Anya yelled for everyone to get out. It was when her vision blurred when she felt someone drag her out.

"Anya, wake up!" Louna started sobbing.

Anya laid there unconscious. "Come on, Anya!" Mary sat beside Louna.

"We need you, Widow…" Kelly cried.

Anya's arm swung to smack Kelly, "Never call me that!"

Kelly laughs, "Thank God!"

Anya turns around, to see everyone starring at them, "What?!"

Louna sighs, "Anyone up for carrying her?"

Anya shook her head, "I can totally get up…" she tries and falls back down, "Okay? Maybe not."

Steve picks his daughter up and carries her to the Quinjet.

Mary set up a table, where Steve placed Anya on.

Mary worked on stitching the cut on Anya's leg. Then to Kelly's sprained ankle and finally to Louna's cut on her forehead.

"Hey," Anya taps her friends' shoulders, "You three need to stop following me into danger!"

"Then don't run into danger!" Mary, Louna, and Kelly screamed in unisons.

"So we went back to the past…" Louna sighs sitting down, "what could possibly go wrong?"

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