Story Time

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Kelly sat hugging her knees in the middle of her bed, when Mary came in. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"I saw Ryan with a girl in DC." Kelly sobs.

"Ryan!" Mary's faced turned red with anger, "Didn't he say that he had some business in Mexico City?"

"Yeah." Kelly wiped her tears away, "I may have made a mistake, maybe Elias was the guy for me all along, now it's too late."

Mary sat on the bed putting her hand over her sister's, "I got fired."

"What?" Kelly looks up.

"Misery loves company, right?" Mary asked, as she embraced her sister.

"It's never too late…" Pepper was at the doorway, "I mean look at your Aunt Nat and Uncle Steve, or Bruce and Betty…" Pepper smiled at both her daughters, before saying, "Move over…" Pepper sat down. "There is no deadline to finding love… None, understand?"

Both sisters nodded, as Pepper hugs both her daughters. "Are you sure, this has nothing to do with the funding being cut?"

Kelly shocked as she stared at Pepper.

"Your research has been cut?" Mary asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Nobody knew, not even Anya." Kelly confessed.

"Anya's gonna kill you." Mary gasped.

"She's gonna murder me!" Kelly realized.

Pepper looked at both her daughters, "Mind explaining?"

Kelly sighs, "Anya hates being the last to know things…"

"Yup, which is why she'll murder Kelly…" Mary smirked.

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