Rescue Team

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"Nasaan na sila?!" Anya demanded, as her mother has a gun to one of the guards' head.

"Hindi ko alam! Wala akong alam!" The guard yelled back terrified.

Anya smirked and walked towards the door, "You have two choices here, whether you tell us what you know and we spare you or don't and mother will kill you… And I, for one, really hate to spill blood, so I ask again, where are they?"

"Down the stairs, left corridor, first door on your right." the guard cried, " Maawa po kayo!"

Natasha looks at Anya, Anya waves her hand to let Natasha know to put the gun down. Natasha did so, "Consider yourself lucky."

Anya sighs, "Down the stairs, left corridor, first door on your right copy?"

"Roger that, Rogers." Peter acknowledged.

Louna turns to him, "Just couldn't help yourself, could you?"

Peter smirked as he pulled down his mask and opened the door to find Mary frantically administering CPR to her dad, as Kelly searched the cupboards for something.

Peter calls out, "Found them. Need an ambulance, now!"

Anya sighs, "Get everyone out, mom." Anya ran to Peter's location.

Natasha, Steve, Thor, Loki, Bruce, and Clint got everyone out of the building and into the jet.

Mary and Kelly were both shaking as they were brought to the jet. "He'll be okay." Anya reassured them.

"We can't loose him, Anya!" Kelly begged.

Anya sat beside Kelly, "We'll do our best."

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