Shady Acres

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Anya sighs as she walked in the building, she approached the nurses' station. "Margaret Carter?"

The nurse looks up from his computer, "And you are?"

Anya took off her shades, "A friend…"

"Look Ms. Rogers," he stood up, "we don't want any trouble… If you can just leave…"

"Anya?" a faint British accented voice called out.

Anya turns around to see Peggy on her wheelchair. "Hi."

Peggy smiles and opens her arms to embrace Anya, "You are so much like your father…"

Peggy went to her room, Anya followed her in and sighs as she sat down on the seat. "I need to ask you something." Anya admitted.

"The first time Natasha brought you here you were still in a stroller," Peggy sighs, "You were what two years old? Of course, back then Natasha didn't want anyone to know that Steve was your father, but I did."

"You knew?" Anya's eyes widened.

"Well, of course, I knew. You have his eyes."  Peggy smiles, "But I told no one…"

"I'm sorry, Peggy." Anya held Peggy's hand.

"For what?" Peggy asked, "Your friend Kelly saved me… gave me back my mind. As for your parents, yes I loved your father but he loves your mother now… and who am I to get in the way of his happiness. I gave up on him. Natasha never did and I pray she never will."

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