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"Aunt Maria." Mary threw her bag at the sofa, "Help me convince grandpa to give me extra missions in New York."

"Uh…" Maria was looking at files, "sure, Mary, but why?"

"Anya," Mary declares, "needs support."

"Uhuh… sure…" Maria hands Mary the file, "I won't ask."

After Kelly also did the same thing but with Sam.

Both Maria and Sam wondered why the two didn't want to go back to the westcoast, but neither one asked.

Louna sighs, she was to be crowned tomorrow but she didn't want that responsibility. As Louna watched as the OG Avengers come and go of the cafeteria, she couldn't help but question their responsibilities…

Steve walks in the cafeteria to see Louna eating a fry silently, "Mind if I sit?"

Louna gestures, "Go ahead."

Steve pulled up a chair, "So how are you?"

Louna rolls her eyes, as she exasperated.

"That bad, huh?" Steve smirks, "You and Anya are so similar… you both internalize problems…"

"Yeah," Louna looks up, "and we both have an empire to our name."

"What?!" Steve was shocked.

"Yup, you heard that right."  Louna nodded, "You are talking to tomorrow's Queen of Tønsberg. Tomorrow's my coronation."

A blonde woman walks in, Dye job… Louna thought as the woman walks over to Steve. "Captain." she smiles.

"Agent Carter." Steve nodded courtly.

"This seat taken?"

"I… uh… no." Steve stuttered.

Louna texted Pepper to come to the cafeteria.

As Pepper arrived and saw Sharon Carter sitting too close to Steve, Pepper immediately walked over towards them. "What the hell do  you think your doing?! Just cause Nat's not here, does not mean you get to flirt with Steve!"

Sharon turner bright red with anger. "Buh-bye, now!" Pepper shooed Sharon away. "Just because your Captain America, don't think I wouldn't kick your ass if you hurt my friend." "Come along Louna."

"Yes, ma'am." Louna followed Pepper towards the outside of building.

Pepper sighs, "How are you?"

"Tired," Louna sighs, "but I'll live."

"And Anya?"

"She's Anya, she'll survive." Louna nods, "How are Kelly and Mary?"

"They're good."  Pepper explained, "worried about their Aunt Nat… as I am sure you are."

Louna nodded, "I am but, I'm worried more about Anya."

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