Secrets and Lies

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Mary knew that she had to tell her parents that she was jobless, but how?

"I feel bad for Lila..." Maria was talking on the phone, "can you imagine having to move back with your parents?"

Mary sighs, she got up, and walks towards the main building. She then overhears Pepper and Maria talking.

"Thank God, all my children grew up independent!" Pepper exasperated, "Peter had never once asked me for money, Kelly stopped after her 11th birthday, Mary didn't even bothered she worked, and now Morgan, my baby, makes money tutoring in SLA. I feel so old, Maria."

"Imagine how Nick feels." Maria sighs, "He is the honorary grandfather of everyone. Especially, when it comes to Anya, she literally grew up in front of Nick's eyes."

"But Anya, was never really a child..." Pepper retorts.

"Hey!" Mary hears Kelly behind her.

"What?!" Mary irritated, "Can't you see I'm busy, here?!"

"Eavesdropping, dear sister?" Kelly amused.

"No... I just... uh..." Mary stuttered.

Kelly giggles, "It's fine, sis. So you need to talk to mom?"

"Yeah," Mary nods, "it's nothing, though."

"Are sure?" Kelly asked skeptical.

"Yeah." Mary nodded and left, not knowing that Kelly also had issues with work.

Kelly sighs.

"Truth has a funny way of making itself known." Morgan reminds them as she walks past her sister.

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