Kelly's Research Team

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"Dra. Stark!" A man in a lab coat ran in to greet Kelly.

"Hola Tomas." Kelly smiled as she climbed the few steps of her farmhouse, "¿Cómo estas la familia?"

"¿Bien, y tú?"

"Bien." Kelly smiles and nods.

Kelly went to her lab, when her phone started vibrating. It was a New York number; I hope everyone's okay. Kelly pressed the answer button, "Hello... Uncle Happy? What's up? Is mom okay?" Kelly started to worry.

"Everyone's fine..." Happy said, "You got a package from Italy... should I mail it to you or mail it back?"

"From Italy? Who lives in Italy?" Kelly questioned as she looks over her notes.

"No idea." Happy replied. "Oh hey, your mom wants to talk to you."

Kelly frowns, as Pepper asks, "Who's in Italy?"

"No clue mom." Kelly replied. Then turns to her colleagues, "Press." Kelly sighs when her colleague went to press on the button. Kelly moves to the telephone, "Maybe Anya knows..."

"Aunt Nat... may know..." Morgan explained.

"Yes, thank you, Morgan." Kelly thankful."Why don't you just send me the package?" Kelly sighs, "Huh? If it's for me I'm pretty sure it has something to do with chemistry. Plus, I could use some stuff for my lab; were underfunded, as of this moment."

As if on cue, a man carrying boxes walked passed Kelly.

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