Split Up- Interview

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Dela Fuentes had had enough of the happy, cheery, regular family. She and her camera crew decided to split the Avengers up, to get the drama. She knew Anya was a time bomb waiting to explode, so Dela Fuentes decided to start with the Rogers.

As Dela Fuentes sat in the living room of the Rogers, she cleared her throat. "Your wedding was an occasion, a lot of tears were shed." Dela Fuentes inched closer to Steve and seductively said, "Including mine…"

Steve felt uncomfortable due to the closeness of this 28 year old brunette woman. Natasha grabbed Steve's arm, as Anya sat back on her seat watching the slut flirt.

Anya grins, "If you value your life, I'd suggest you not repeat that statement."

"Oh of course," Dela Fuentes acted dumb, "I'm terribly sorry, if I offended you, Mrs. Rogers, I assume you wouldn't want to taste your own medicine."

Anya sat up, "Leave…"

"Excuse me?"

Anya stood up and dragged the woman by her wrist out the Rogers' quarters, as everyone started stare from their porches. Anya grinning without fail said, "Leave and I won't write an article titled, 'Thirsty Sussie Dela Fuentes of zbn not only tried to destroy the sanctity of marriage between Beloved power couple Captain America and Black Widow, but also made 14 year old Sophia Banner cry'."

Kelly, Louna, and Mary walked closer to Anya, "Too long, Anya." Kelly pointed out.

"You're right," Anya's grin grew, "how 'bout this, 'Bitch homewrecker in ZBN newsroom'?"

"Gate's right there." Mary gestures, "I'm sure we won't need to call Uncle Happy to throw you out, do we?"

Dela Fuentes ran out the gate, Louna waved mockingly, "Bye now."

"Whoa!" Tony claps his hands, "Anya, never knew you had it in you, kid!"

Anya smiles at Tony, "It was a team effort."

"Your team." Tony corrected, "Let's face it, we're getting old… I think it's time to pass down the mantle, what do you, guys, think?"

From Steve to Bruce they all agreed.

Anya walked back to the Rogers' quarters to grab her backpack, "I'm gonna go get food, anyone wanna come with?"

"With what?" Louna asked sarcastically, "My good looks?"

"No, my good looks…" Anya winked.

"Oh I'm coming," Mary announces, "they're…"

"Working the corner!" Cooper chuckled.

"God dammit!" Anya screamed, "I have the best comeback for that. But I cannot."

"Why the hell not?!" Cooper whined.

"I respect Aunt Laura too much." Anya walks away.

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