Face the Music

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Peter stood at the beach with everyone, as the two jets landed. He smiled as he saw both of his younger sisters, "These four will be dangerous if ever they went to the dark side!"

Tony frowned at his son, as Peter continues, "Imagine, Mary saying, 'Stark, I am your daughter'?"

As soon as Anya and Louna came out of the jet, Natasha ran up to Anya and hugged her. "Thank God you're okay!" Natasha exasperated, then, hit Anya's arm, "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"We saved Mary and destroyed one of Hydra's hideout." Anya declared confidently.

"But another two would pop out…" Phil sighed.

"Not this time," Kelly grins, "Mary, here, set the building ablaze."

"Wait! Why?!" Tony asked.

Mary looks at Anya, "Should I tell the story?"

"Go ahead," Anya crossed her arms, "it's not like it will remain a secret…"

Mary breathed, "The guy, who ran Hydra, was an old guy who was hitting on Anya—"

"He was doing more than just hitting on her," Kelly corrects, "he was touching her."

"So any way Mary…" Louna pointed, "set the place on fire as a retaliation."

"And you wonder why I don't date." Anya smirked at Melinda.

Melinda smirked, "It isn't right; your young, successful, beautiful, plus the only daughter of two avengers and you don't date…"

Anya turns aroundand starts to walk away, "Walking away, now!"

Kelly took this opportunity to inform Anya of her current employment status, "I am having trouble with funding, Anya."

Anya's eyes opened and she grabbed her checkbook, "3 million?"

"Anya, no…" Kelly shook her head, "I told you because I didn't want you to find out from someone else… keep the money."

Anya laughs, "I bought this jet because I was bored one day, remember? So, why would you think that I won't give you money for your research?" Anya placed the check in Kelly's hand, "Take it, Stark…"

Kelly puts it in her pocket, "This is a loan, okay?"

"Call it an investment …" Anya smiles.

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