I Got It

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"I. GOT. IT!"

"Got what?" Tony asked.

Mary looks up from her laptop screen, "The residency at Metro-General Hospital!"

"I knew you would get it." Pepper smiled, "I'm so proud of you, kid."

"This is all thanks to Anya," Mary sighs,  "she was the one who kept bugging me about applying…"

"That's my Anya!" Natasha smiled proudly, "She will annoy you until you do the right thing…"

"Little Rogers does have a weird way of getting us to do what she wants…" Tony sighs; using Anya's nickname was fun.

Kelly walks to the table, "So where is the strawberry blonde wonder?"

"She's still at work." Peter sighs. "Which reminds me, she's writing an article about the Earth's Mightiest Heroes."

"When is the deadline?" Lila asked.

"Tomorrow…" Anya came in, "at 8am." Anya slumped defeated, to the seat next to Louna, "I'm never gonna make it…"

Everyone looked at Anya with disbelief, Louna in a shaky voice asked, "Di—did you just… give up?"

"You never give up." Cooper sat down.

"That's what we love about you," Morgan smiles weakly, "you are the one who'd be in the frontline…"

Nathan reaches out his hands, "So what changed?"

"It's useless I have eight hours left…" Anya sighs, "and you, people, need your sleep."

"So…" Sophia asked, "crunch time? You have the Avengers at your disposal, and you're giving up?"

"Not working…" Anya shook her head.

Louna held Anya's hands across the table, "You can't give up, you know why?"

Anya looks up to meet Louna's grey eyes, "Hmmph?"

Louna smirks as Kelly and Mary caught on, "Cause we're rotten…"

"To the core." Anya whispered. "Fuck you."

Steve frowned and scolded, "Language."

As everyone else held back their laughter, Peter stood up. "Are we doing this or not?"

Anya smiles as she got up, "Don't you have a contract with the Buggle?"

"Who cares?" Peter shrugs, "You need my help."

"He's a keeper, MJ." Anya looks at MJ.

Peter shakes his head, "She's a catch, Aunt Nat. I'd be careful…"

Natasha chuckles. Anya sighs, "Thank you."

"You really are a heartbreaker, aren't you?" Steve asked.

Anya only grins in response.

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