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Hela waves her hand, "She's dead…" Hela could see the grim looks on both Anya's and Louna's faces. "Meaning she's in Hades… her body is in Washington DC but soul is in the—"

"River of Styx!" Anya gasped in realization.

"Yes, dear." Hela stood up and walked towards Anya, "You are smart." Hela noticed the glowing in Anya's neck, "You will not have it easy…"

Anya smiles, "I'm alright with that…"

Hela grins in amusement, "Actually, because of your parents, none of you will have an easy time. Your parents are all sinners—"

Anya rolled her eyes, "Tell me about it…"

Mary came running towards Anya, "Anya! Louna!"

"Mary?" Louna looks up, "We know where your sister's at."

"I know… Styx," Mary sighs, "Hades, but here's the thing only the purest of pure can go in and come out of that river alive…"

Anya then asked, "Okay, well, which one of us is the purest one?"

Both Mary and Louna stared at Anya. "Um…"

Anya clicks her tongue, "Is it me?"

Louna nods.

"But I'm not pure… nor am I even nice." Anya looks down.

"You are not your mother," Mary sighs, "nor are you your father. You are the best versions of the both of them combined… you are pure but have a mind of a spy—"

"You can take over the world, if you choose to…" Louna continued. "but you won't cause like your dad you have a moral compass."

"God damn that moral compass of mine… what a buzz kill!" Anya frowns, "Okay… so here's the plan…"

As the three walked towards Hades, "Ah! Good." Hades welcomes, "Three young heroes…" Hades then sniffed, "but they're not dead? What do you want?"

Mary steps forward, "To save my sister!"

"Which is who?" Hades looked at Mary.

"Kelly May Stark…" Mary responded.

"Ah yes!" the god smiled, "Ms. Starks still in the hospital her soul is in between life and death. She's right there…" he gestures to a girl dress in a white hair wavy and dark.

She was fighting the urge to jump that much was clear. Without seeing her face, Mary knew it was her sister and screamed, "Kelly!"

The girl turns, it was indeed Kelly, she had blood stains in her white dress on her chest area, and her stomach. Kelly's eyes were bloodshot; she was crying but instead of colorless tears, it was  blood.

Anya ran towards the cliff and grabbed Kelly's hand, leaving everyone shocked. Anya then used all her strength to pull her friend away from the cliff. But it was no use Kelly was unbelievable stronger than her, good thing Hela caught Kelly just before she plummeted to her death.

"Nothing hurts more than a broken heart…" Hela explains as she laid Kelly on the ground. "Get her soul in her body quickly, girls."

Louna closed her eyes, and opened them; Kelly's lifeless body appeared at her feet. Mary and Anya placed the soul back to the body.

Kelly began coughing as her eyes opened.

Anya looks up, "Mission Accomplished! Let's go…"

Hela grins at Louna, "One way trip home, coming up."

Louna smiles, "Thanks Auntie."

Long Way From HomeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant