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"English?" a brunette woman knocks.

As soon as she enters the kitchen, Anya immediately recognized her as the girl from the Automatt, the waitress.

"Angie, you remember Nancy…" Peggy gestured.

Anya looks at Peggy, "I came in three years ago in the Automatt with my five cousins."

"Right…" Angie turns to Peggy, "I was wondering if I can run lines with you… I have an audition for the new musical, Annie?"

Louna  smirks and starts singing:

Little girls
Little girls
Everywhere I turn I can see them
Little girls
Little girls

Night and day
I eat, sleep and breathe them
I'm an ordinary woman
With feelings
I'd like a man to nibble on my ear
But I'll admit no man has bit
So how come I'm the mother of the year?

Anya giggled, as everyone looked at her confused.

"How do you know that song?" Angie asked.

Louna looked at Anya panicked; Anya sighs, "Angie catch!" Anya throws a ball at Angie.

Angie caught it and a whif of knock out gas came out of the ball, knocking Angie out.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Peggy demanded.

"It's a knock out gas," Anya sighs, "she'll be fine."

Peggy and Daniel looked at Angie's limped body, Anya got up and pulls the chair out of the room along with Angie, "There," Anya began talking, "now back to business…"

Everyone stared at Anya, until Louna cleared her throat, "The future is uncertain but if you leave it would be eminent doom."

"Why would I leave?" Daniel asked.

"Now, Mr. Sousa," Kelly interjects, "you know we can't tell you that."

"You just have to trust us…" Mary quipped, "or at least, trust Anya that she wants what is best for you and your family… Mrs. Sousa, you knew Uncle Steve, you trusted him, can you put that same trust on his daughter?"

Peggy nodded.

"Good," Anya stood up and wrote a note leaving it by Angie.

Before the four could travel back to their time, Peggy took Anya aside. "Thank you."

Anya looked at her confused, as Peggy sighs, "You saved Jason Wilkes."

Anya nods, "No problem…"

Peggy shook her head, "No, I couldn't even begin to imagine how it felt when you saw me…"

"Don't flatter yourself," Anya rolls her eyes, "I've been with a lot of my parents exes. Two of them, I even considered family."

"You know for someone who claims, she doesn't believe in fairytale," Peggy smirks, "you sure do live in one…"

Anya rolls her eyes once again, Peggy chuckles, "Oh come on, Anya, you lost your parents then regain them not just that but you also go in these grand ole adventures." Peggy sighs, "Just remember, not every fairytale ends with a kiss…"

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