Mission Failure

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Anya walked in with crutches; "What the hell happened?!" Natasha stood up.

"Um… we were only supposed to secure the building," Louna explained, "the building exploded… Anya, fell off." Louna helps Anya to the couch.

Steve hands a water bottle to Anya. As Natasha proceeds to ask them questions, "Where the hell was this mission?"

"Cuba?" Louna looks at Anya unsure.

Anya nodded, "It was in Cuba." putting the cap back on the bottle.

"Well, anyways…" Louna squinted as she heard Mary yelling through her earpiece, "I need to go. Get well, soon, Cap." Louna quickly made her way out the Rogers' quarters and to the main building.

Anya closed her eyes, "Why?"

Natasha shook her head, as her green eyes met Steve's blue ones; Natasha grabbed her gun from the coffee table, and placed it in her holster, and proceeded to go out. She knew one man who knew why the building exploded, she sure as hell won't let this one go.

"Mom?" Anya called back before turning to Steve, "Where's mom going?"

Steve stood up, he knew better than to get in Natasha's way especially when it concerned Anya. "I don't know…"

Anya frowns, "Bull! FRIDAY call Lila and Cassie!"

"Right away, Ms. Rogers." the AI responded then the dialtone started.

"You got, Cassandra Lang, what you need?" Cassie answered.

"Hello?" Lila sighs.

"Can one of you pick me up, right now?"

"Sure…" Cassie nodded.

"Great… Lila can you track where my mother's going?"

"Sure can."

A few minutes later, Anya and Cassie arrived at the prison which held Ivan Bezuhkov was imprisoned. Anya could hear her mother yelling in Russian; Anya sighs shaking her head as she walked through the gates, before looking at Cassie, "Cas, call an ambulance…"

As Anya walked passed the iron gates that separated the prisoner cells from the officers' desks, Anya stood close to the entrance for a moment. "Wow." she clapped, Natasha turns to see Anya. "This is how you get information out?"

Natasha stood on top of Ivan and she had her hands on his neck choking him. "You got other tactics?"

Anya walked towards the upside down chair and picked it; up putting it rightside up, before sitting on it. "I got a few…" she placed a chess board on the table.

Natasha releases Ivan, "Are you serious?!"

"Quite." Anya put a Subway sandwich on the table.

Ivan got up and looked at the sandwich, "How can I be sure that isn't poisoned?"

Anya calmly said, "You can't, but you do have two options, here; option A. let your insane daughter beat you up till you talk, option B. you just started talking with her less insane daughter, who is offering you food. Choice is yours, but you will talk by the end…"

Ivan sat down on the seat across the table, "And the chess?"

Anya sighs, "I thought you'd enjoy a game against me."

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