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"Thank you, again, Pepper…" Natasha sighs at the door.

"It's my pleasure, Nat, plus Anya's a sweetheart." Pepper calls out.

Anya heard it all as she regained consciousness, she looked at the calendar hanging on the wall, "April 2, 2016. Of course, the accords."

Mary and Kelly were watching two five year olds play on the mat. "You were adorable," Kelly sighs, "sis."

Mary looks away, "What if we can't go back?"

"We've been through this," Louna sighs, "when we were 17… this shouldn't be difficult."

"That's different," Mary frowns, "we controlled the time we go back, that time, now we don't?"

"I think we do…" Anya thought, "I mean think about it, when does the light appear?"

"Whenever we get close to something." Kelly looks at Anya curiously.

"Bingo!" Anya exclaimed, "And what does that tell us?"

"That the people who sent us to the time machine, did not want people of the time to know about the future." Mary realized.

Kelly then walks towards Pepper, "You don't know me but I am your older daughter…"

"What?" Pepper asked eyes wide with shock.

And sure enough the light appeared and the time travelers all disappeared.

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