Last Day in Europe

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Anya was hunched over the computer, as she enters the URL and the passcode on the passcode blank.

"Hurry up!" Louna reminded.

"Give me five seconds…" Anya pressed enter and straightened up, "Okay go."

Anya and Louna ran outside the building, it was late at night and they made sure no one was in the building.

Anya sighs, "Ready!"

Just then the building exploded.

A van pulls up, "Is that…" a voice started.

Anya and Louna turns to see the dark blue van, "It was the HQ building…" Anya smiled at her mother.

"Was?" Natasha questioned.

Louna explains, "Now, its nothing but ashes." Louna sighs and gestures, "Let's get outta here?"

Anya chuckles but nods and walks towards the back of the van, "So where to?"

Natasha smirks, "Airport, we're going home."

"That was so cheesy, mother." Anya shook her head laughing.

"Don't laugh at your mother." Melina scolded.

Anya bit her lip to keep herself from laughing, but couldn't resist an involuntary eye roll that sends Louna and Phil to a laughing fit, Melinda to a slight smile, and both Yelena and Alexie to exchange looks.

Natasha smirks, a  quietly proud of her daughter's behavior.

"Louna?" Arteo cleared his throat.

Louna looks up at him, as if to say "what". Arteo sighs, "Can we speak?"

Anya looks at Arteo then at Louna. Louna nods unsure why, as she follows Arteo out the van and into the sidewalk.

"Guys?" Anya sighs. "Guys?" no response, "Peter? What did you, people, get captured?"

"Anya?" Morgan sighs.

"Oh thank God, did the others —"

"Kelly, Mary, and Dad had been captured!" Morgan alarmed and worried.

Pepper was heard crying, Anya then calls out, "Aunt Pepper, we're on our way to rescue them, don't worry…" opening the door, Anya saw Louna in the arms of Arteo, "Romeo! Juliet! In the van, we need to head to the Philippines."

As both Louna and Arteo came in the van, Anya pointed to the big red button beside the gear shift, "Press that!"

Steve did so…

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