Silent Treatment

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As Anya sat in the back of the van, Anya watched as Kelly and Mary talked to Howard about their lives. Louna sighs, "Difficult, ain't it?"

Anya looks at her friend, Louna nodded towards Peggy. "You have to understand she loved Uncle Steve... the thought of him having relations in the future and having you, a smart, sassy, successful, and independent daughter with another woman," Louna grabs Anya's hand, "must be unbearably painful... give her time..."

Anya smiles weakly at her friend's words, she couldn't imagine the pain Peggy was going through at the moment, but why am I being punished? It's not like I wanted to be born, or come here for that matter? So why?! Anya sat up then blurted out, "It wasn't my fault!"

Peggy stepped on the breaks, making the car come to halt. Jarvis, who was in the driver's seat, turned to Peggy and frowned, "Very unsafe."

Peggy scowled at Anya, "What?!"

Anya breathed, "It's not my fault, and yet you blame me... I didn't ask to be born, or that my father is Captain America, and I, sure as hell, didn't ask to come to this time and get stuck here, so why am I being punished?!" Anya calms down, "Look, I get it you're hurt, and want to put hurt into someone else but why me?! I haven't done anything to you, but be born?"

Peggy's scowl soften, as she jumps off the van, "Is that your way of apologizing?!" she yelled.

Anya ran after her, "You want an apology? Fine, I am truly deeply sorry that you feel this way, but this- this whole thing- isn't my fault. I don't have control over it... I will not apologize for something I didn't do..."

"Peggy." Sousa limped towards them, "Get back in the van; you, too, Ms. Rogers."

Anya looked over her shoulder, "You're not worth it…" Anya walked towards the van.

Peggy tried to run after Anya, "I'm not done talking!"

"Well! I'm done listening!" Anya called back.

Peggy felt adrenaline rush as she grabbed Anya's shoulders. Anya shoves Peggy's hands off, "I'm not afraid of you, Agent Margaret Elizabeth Carter." Anya steps closer to Peggy, making Peggy backed away.

Peggy bumps into Sousa and both fell backwards, Anya glares at them before going back in the van.

"I think silent treatment was better." Louna grins.

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