Words of Wisdom

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As Anya sat in the meeting room listening to Tony ramble on about the latest mission they accomplished, she started to space out.


"Yes, I'm here." Anya sat up. "What's up?"

Tony looked at the Rogers, "Peggy wants to see you."

Anya nodded and got up.

As she rode the cab with her parents, she was silent, had really bad feeling about the situation.

Peggy was in her nursing home lying in her room, with her son, Michael, daughter, Maggie, grandson, Peter, and niece, Sharon, surrounding her.

As soon as Anya and her parents walked in the room, Peggy smiled, "Anya." she croaked.

Anya sighs as she walked closer to the bed and held on to the railings, "Yes Peggy?" Anya felt a tear welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill.

Peggy raised her right hand up to hold Anya's, "Don't cry. Death is a part of life. It's what gives life meaning."

Anya looks at Peggy, "Don't talk like that… please." Anya then felt Peggy's grip loosen.

"Steve, don't break their hearts." Peggy coughed and then looks at Natasha, "Take care of him…"

Peggy looks back at Anya, "Do me a favor and take care of them."

Anya smiles weakly.

"I'm tired," Peggy sighs, "I'm going now."

Anya felt Peggy's hand go limp and saw the monitor go flat line. Anya felt a tear trickle down her cheek, her stomach was in knots.

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