Your Majesties!

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Anya was sitting on the sofa in the dark, she was in her bedroom refusing to come out or pull back the curtains.

Steve wasn't any better; he spends most of his time in the gym, trying to stay away as much as possible.

It was difficult for either one to socialize.

It worried Tony that he had called upon his two older daughters to fix Anya in the process also fixing Steve.

While Anya sits on her bed silently starring at the wall, Kelly and Mary walk in the living area.

"ANYA!" Kelly yelled out, as set down her bag on the table.

Mary sat on the sofa, "Anya, you are at home, aren't you?"

Anya remained silent, as they relentlessly looked for her, Kelly opens the door, "Oh there you are!"

"I'm miserable." was the only words Anya said.

"Well," Mary sighs, "misery loves company, right?"

Louna walks in with Kelly and sat down on the bed. Louna takes Anya's hand, "Remember, when we found out about your royal ties?"

Anya glared at Louna, "That's the reason for my mother's immigration status!"

Louna sighs, "Well, turns out you might not be the only queen…"

Kelly and Mary both looked at Louna shocked.

"Brunhilde visited and appointed me as queen of Tønsberg." Louna admitted.

Kelly joked, "Your majesties!" and moked curtsied.

Mary nodged her sister's arm, "Aren't we supposed to be making her feel better?"

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