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Kelly, Louna, Mary, and Anya stood in a circle in the middle of the Avengers compound.

"Are we…" Mary's voice faded, as she saw Happy angrily walking towards them.

"Where have you, girls, been?!" Happy demanded, "Your parents have been worried sick."

They were escorted to the main building, Fury looks up his eye met Anya's. "You'd save the dinosaurs if you could, won't you?"

Anya smiles knowing he was making a joke, but it did make her think… But before she could go into deeper thoughts about the subject, every Avenger, including May Parker, Betty Banner, and Pepper Stark said, "No!"

"I'd listen to them." a familiar male voice echoed.

Anya smiles as she turns around to see an elderly Daniel Sousa. "Agent Sousa!" Steve saluted.

Daniel walked towards Anya, "I came here, because I found this in my wife's things and I think she would have wanted you to have it…" hands her an envelope with To the woman who lives a fairytale life.

Anya couldn't help but smile, as she tore the envelope open. Anya sighs.

"Well…" Fury asked.

Anya put the letter and the envelope in her pocket, "Between me and Mrs. Sousa." Anya leaves and heads to her apartment.

Anya took out the letter, as she sat on her sofa:

Dearest Anya,

  I just wanted to thank you. You might not know what the hell I'm talking about, but you will. You've saved my family. Thank you, your majesty!

Your Number 1 Fan

Anya breathed as she took a sip of tea. "Oh Peg."

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