Part 17 *Edited*

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It was once again Friday night dinner and next week was my birthday. We just finished dinner and Grandma took a sip of tea, "tomorrow our lawyer, Joseph Stanford is coming by." Mom groans, "ugh-- crazy Sissy's dad." Grandma put her tea down, "that's terrible Sissy was a good friend of yours." Mom shake her head, "mom, Sissy talked to her stuffed animals and they answered her."

Rory jumps in to save the day, "let's just start a new topic." I nod in agreement. Grandma ignored her, "you're impossible." Mom looked at her, "she said a new topic mom." This is gonna end badly, "everything's a joke. Everyone's a punch line." Mom nods, "okay, I'm sorry." Grandma continues as Grandpa walks in the room, "my daughter-- Henny Youngman." Grandpa then take his seat, "sorry for that-- a little trouble in our china office. What did I miss?" Mom turns to him, "I was being impossible then I turned into a Jewish comedian." He takes his glasses off, "oh. Well continue."

Grandma smiles, "thank you. Where was I?" I join the conversation, "Joseph Stanford is coming tomorrow." She nods, "yes, so, Rory, Christina, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner for you to go around and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our will." Grandpa looks at us, "take a look at that desk in my office. It's a really fine Georgian piece." Mom sighs, "why don't I ever bring a tape recorder to these dinners?" Rory ignore mom and so do I, "anything you want to leave us is fine." She shakes her head, "nonsense. You should have what you like. So just look around, if you like something stick a post-it on it." Mom looks at them like they are mad, "you two have hit a level of weird that even I marvel at." She looks at Mom, "you can pick things out too." Mom smiles, "now it's less creepy." Grandma looks at Grandpa, "you hear that Richard, apparently we're creepy." He takes a sip of tea, "yes well you live and learn."

We spent the rest of the evening sticking post-its. I got the desk in his office and some other nice things of grandma's. She even told me to look at her jewellery and she had some nice pieces. We all got in the car and looked at mom. She said she would get us out of dinner next week, "so, how would you guys like to have two parties this year?" I sigh and lean back in my seat. Rory shakes her head, "you couldn't get her to cave." Mom sigh, "no, but she did agree to make the string quartet learn 'like a virgin.' Guys, I promise, Saturday night, we'll do it right at home-- a Stars Hollow extravaganza." I lean forward, "is this party at Grandma's gonna be a big?" She then starts to make fun of it and makes jokes about the Pope.

It was Monday and I see Tristian with my sister, "Tristian stop being a pig and shoo." He sighs, "just came to say happy birthday to you and your sister calm down. See you on Friday." He walks away and I ask, "what was that?" Rory crosses her arms, "She invited everyone form our year to Friday night." I groan and we walk down the hall. I hear people making fun of us so I turn around, "Shove off the lot of you! Do you think we even want you snobby rich kids there. We are being forced to go to our own party so please just don't come!" I storm off and go to class.

I skip Luke's and tell Rory to tell me how it goes. I sit at home on the phone eating pizza, "please come Finn I'll ask my grandmother and she won't say no. You come from a good family with money how could she." I eat another slice, "Fine I'll come, ask now love and call me back." I hang up the phone. Things have been really good between us lately.

I ring grandmother, "hello?" I take a deep breath, "hey grandma." I hear her voice turn kinder, "hi Christina how can I help you." Well I think this is going to go well, "I have friend I wanted to add to the guest list for Friday." I hear her sigh, "you called just in time was just finalizing the numbers, who is it?" I can do this, "his name is Finn Morgan." Please say yes, "of course I know his family, they just moved back to Australia. I will add him right away."

I ring Finn back up, "she said yes you are now on the guest list my friend." I hear him sigh, "will there be a bar." I shake my head, "not one you can use, it will be fun. I will be there and in our household there is always bound to be drama." I hear him sigh again, "you're lucky I like you." I laugh, "I mean who could resist me." We talk the rest of the night until mom and Rory get home and mom tells me to work on mY dress.

It was the night before my birthday and I feel someone shaking me. I look up to see mom, I smile and we walk into Rory's room. Mom kisses Rory, "happy birthday, birthday girl." We both lay on her bed. I look at the time to see it was 4:03am on the dot. We all get comfy in Rory's bed and hug mom. She hums, "I can't believe how fast you're growing up." Rory looks up, "really? It, feels slow." Mom shakes her head, "trust me, it's fast. What do you guys think of your life so far?" I yawn, "it's pretty good." Mom nods, "any complaints?" Rory sighs, "I;d like that whole humidity thing to go away." Mom nods, "alright. I'll work on that."

I turn to mom, "so do we look older?" Mom looks at us and smiles, "oh, yeah. You walk into Denny's before 5:00, you've got yourself a discount." Rory and me snuggle into mom, "so do you know what I think? I think you're both great, cool kids and the best friends a girl could have." I close my eyes, "back at ya."

I open my eyes to see mom smiling, "and it's so hard to believe that exactly this time many moons ago, I was lying in exactly this same position..." Me and Rory groan, "oh, boy, here we go." she ignores us and keeps going, "...Only I had a huge, fat stomach and big, fat ankles, and I was searing like a sailor." I nod, "on leave." She smiles wider, "on leave-- right! and there I was..."

Rory sighs, "In labour" "and while some have called it the most meaningful experience of your life, to me, it was something more akin to doing the splits on a crate of dynamite." I look up at the ceiling, "I wonder if the Walton's ever did this." Mom rubs our arms and continues, "and I was screaming and swearing, and being surrounded as I was by a hundred prominent doctors, I'd just assumed there was an actual use for the cup of ice chips they gave me." Rory shakes her head, "there wasn't." Mom laughs, "but pelting the nurses sure was fun." I hug into mom, "we love you mom." She shushes me, "shh! we're getting to the part where he sees Christina's head. So there I was lying..."

I wake up in Rory's bed and see mom and Rory still asleep. I sneak out of bed and go upstairs to get into my uniform. My phone starts to ring, "hello?" I then hear Noah singing me happy birthday, "so what do you have planned today." I sit down, "well I have a Friday thing with my grandparents, but please come on Saturday!" I hear him laugh, "I always do Kitty Cat, now have a good day at school." I groan, "I won't I have like four tests. Byes see you at Luke's." I hang up and meet Rory and we go to Luke's with Lane and Noah.

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