Cossover《27》Avengers pt. 2

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Robin stepped onto the mat, watching as Tony did the same in his suit that he apparently wore to battle?

He didn't know.

Robin decided to observe all Tony's weaknesses in his suit, just like Batman would have done before fighting, assessing his opponent.

Tony was a very cocky man, and there were many weak points in his suit that he could use to his advantage with an exploding birdarang.

Obviously smoke isn't going to work in a fight against him, especially when he has the helmet wrapped around his entire head.

First he might want to take out Tony's blasters on his hands that he could see from literally a mile away. There might be some on his feet too.

The armor sounded heavy, with the heavy clanking noises it was making, so he could also use that to his disadvantage as well.

He couldn't find many places to disappear, so he'll just have to rely more on his quick reflexes and acrobatics in this fight.

Robin now had a plan, flexible enough if anything new were to come out of that suit of Tony's.

Step 1: take out the blasters on Tony's hands

Step 2: distract Tony and use enough force to make him use any hidden weapons he could posses

Step 3: find weaknesses in Tony's suit and use those to take him out

Robin smiled to himself for forming a plan so quickly. He hoped that if Batman were to ever find out, he would be proud.

When Tony got in a fighting stance, Robin did too, it just lacked to effort from someone who was trained by literally the best and most trained ninja.

"Fight!" Clint called out from the sidelines.

They previously had already gone over the rules of the match. Stay inside the boxing ring, or you instantly lose.

Try not to be lethal and do your best. And don't aim for the glowing thing on Tony's chest, which was later explained to be his heart.

Pretty basic set of rules that Robin could find so many loopholes in able to win. Although of course he would follow the last one to full extent.

Before Tony could lift a hand to shoot at him, Robin had already thrown a birdarang in one of the many crevices of Tony's suit.

The birdarang gave a small explosion before anyone could blink, small, but not lethal, and Robin had used the distraction to take out Tony's legs.

Tony fell to the floor in the blink of an eye, and Robin used that advantage to take out all four of Tony's blasters, both on his hands and on his feet.

Before Robin could do anything else, such as send mini bugs into Tony's suit to hack into it, someone shouted.

"Alright! That's enough. The winner is Robin." Clint called out, knowing exactly what Robin was going to do next.

Clint knew Tony was NOT a fan of hackers, and if Robin decided to hack into Tony's suit, the kid probably would be kicked out of the tower.

The helmet around Tony's head magically came undone to show a very impressed face from Tony Stark.

"Well done kid. Where did you learn to do that?" Tony asked, getting off the floor.

"Batman taught me everything I need to know to take someone done, including how to asses a person's weaknesses before even blinking.

Your suit was very heavy, which would prove to make you slower when attacking, and the many crevices in your suit are easy targets."

Robin informed Tony as he exited the matching ring, failing to notice Tony's astonished face.

As he exited the room, he passed by the red headed lady, who looked slightly amused. He also passed by a very suprised archer.

When he walked back to the hospital room he woke up in, he pulled up his hologlove to show him it found no information on how he got there.

"What you looking at?" A voice asked from the entry way.

Robin quickly turned off his hologlove and looked up to see the voice belonged to the Porto Rican flag guy.

If he seriously was going to go by "Captin America", he sould at least stitch about 49 more stars to his costume to make it official.

"Nothing." Robin responded, looking down at his hands that he placed gently in his lap.

"Well it didn't look like nothing. You were looking at something from that glove of yours." Captin American sternly replied.

In a way, Captin America kind of reminded Robin of Bruce. Both knew when he was hiding something, and could tell his emotions.

"I was just trying to find a way back home. My hologlove has a built in super computer that I invented myself, and it has downloaded information about everything."

As Robin explained, the captin slowly ventured near the bed and sat down next to Robin.

"Everything?" He asked Robin.

"Yes. Everything that a computer should know, and sometimes even a little more than that." Robin told him.

Captin America looked a little suprised, more than the red head woman when he took Tony down, but not too much suprised.

They acted like they had never met a kid in the superhero business before. Though he gathered this world didn't have kid superheroes, it still was a little nauseating.

Robin sighed, looking out the large glass window across from him, looking out into the city of New York.

"I just want to go home. I want to see my friends and my family. They aren't much, but they're all I have." Robin told the captin.

"I get it. You miss them. But sometimes life is harsh, and pushes us into uncomfortable situations. All you can do is-"

"Adapt. Yeah, Batman told me the same thing when he first took me in. You kind of remind me of him, in a way." Robin turned to look at Captin America.

"How so?"

"You both are great leaders. And that tells a lot about someone." Robin explained, looking back out the window.

"Yeah. I guess it does."

So how'd you guys like it? I hope it wasn't too boring, but this chapter is important for future ones, if you guys allow me to write future ones.

Please comment if you want a part 3

The next chapter will be part 2 of Flowers, courtesy of Lillydog59

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