Jaytim《30》Person A& Person B pt.2

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Person A: Tim
Person B: Jason

It was a colder day than usual for Gotham, and there was a snow storm about two miles out from the city's limits.

Jason had wanted to leave Wayne Manor as soon as the mission briefing was over, but due to the storm heading this way, Bruce rejected that idea.

"It's not safe out with the weather like this. You could easily got frost bite or get in a car accident without even knowing." Bruce had told him.

Jason sighed in defeat and walked up one of the many grand staircases up to his old bedroom.

Jason had planned on just sleeping the entire time until the snow storm passed, or slowed down enough to go out.

When Jason reached the top of the stairs, however, he could hear someone playing some sort of instrument in a distance.

He walked closer toward the noise, and soon discovered someone at the Manor was playing a piano.

Jason took careful and calculated steps, trying his very best not to alert the person playing he was there, pretty much stalking them.

As he stepped closer toward one of the music rooms, the piano was very loud and it sounded a little rough around the edges.

The person sounded good, he would give them that, but there was something in the music that sounded almost like fear.

As if the player was scared of either playing the actual piece, or the piano. Jason didn't know which option, but he wanted to find out.

Jason slowly opened the door, very careful not to let the door make any noise to alert the person.

He stuck his head inside to see the person was playing was Timothy Jackson Drake.

To say Jason was suprised would be an understatement. He wouldn't admit he was also a little amused at the situation.

Tim was playing the piano, and his back was turned away from the entrance, so Jason had the element of suprise.

Jason slowly and carefully took small steps, inching closer to Tim, who clearly seemed distracted enough to not notice his presence.

When Jason placed a hand on Tim's shoulder, Tim abruptly stopped playing and turned around, his face full of fear.

"Jason? W-what are you doing here?" Tim asked, stuttering and blushing slightly. "I thought you went home."

"Nah. Bruce made me stay here because of the storm. So you're stuck with me until further notice."

"Oh what a pity." Tim sarcastically remarked, turning his attention back to the keys of the piano.

Jason faked a gasp. "I can't believe you would say that to your own boyfriend. I'm hurt Tim."

Tim just rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's sarcasm, placing his fingers on the black and white keys of the grand piano.

"I didn't know you played Tim." Jason whispered in Tim's ear, placing a hand on Tim's forearm.

Tim sighed. "Not well. But maybe one day when I learn to play well enough, I'll play at your wedding."

Tim pressed his fingers down on the correct keys of a major cord, looking up at the music on the music stand built into the piano.

"Gross, I don't want you playing at my wedding." Jason spoke, scrunching up his nose in disgust at the mere thought of Tim playing piano at his wedding.

"How about you stand beside me instead?" Jason whispered again, even closer to Tim's ear than before.

Jason saw Tim's cheeks redden even more, this time it would be visible from almost a mile away.

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