Story Idea《29》Siren

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Long ago

When the moon and the sun became one with the other, a girl drowned herself in the ocean, lost all hope in humanity and life.

Her world grew dark ever since she was a child, and she started to lose more faith every day.

She held the one thing that was dear to her in her small and bony tan arms. Her shell.

The shell was precious to her. It was a beautiful shade of white, along the the peculiar blue stripes in a misfit of patterns.

The shell was the one thing she had to herself. Her father sent it to her during one of his many sea adventures, and she treasured it.

Her grandmother told her that if you looked closely enough at the patters, they spelled out a curse. That same day her grandmother died.

She held the shell in her arms as she walked into the water willingly, nobody, not even a police officer stopping her.

It was midnight, a full white moon shone a reflection across the still waters. The waves were small, barley moving, and were quiet.

There were no cries of her name, nor anyone to stop her. She was all alone. Tears fell down her face, as she realized no one was looking for her. No one would care.

She sang her favorite song her father used to sing to her as a child to put her to sleep as she ventured deeper into the cold water.

"When the waters and the tides are one. A beauty of light will guard our souls.

She had hair like fire, that calmed the rain. She had a pure heart, to take the pain. She gave us meaning and made us born again.

When the waters and the tides are one. A beauty of light will guard our souls.

She had a soul and heart, that made us jealous. For one could not be as pure as her. She called upon the ones she chose, and gave them new life.

When the waters and the tides are one. A beauty of light will guard our souls.

She would call upon her trump and her children will come. For they were one of her own. For they, were one of her own."

Her chin was tickled by the smooth surface of the waters, her fiery red hair lifted to the surface behind her head.

Her blue eyes had tears pooling out of them as she sang the last verse. She gripped her shell and held it against her chest, and went further into the water.

"For they, were one of her own."

Her entire body fell to the floor as she breathed in the water into her lungs, and let it  slowly consume her, killing her.

She could feel her body get heavy, her hair tickling her face as it surrounded her falling body. But what was strange was that she didn't feel dead.

She had heard from news reports that people can die from drowning in just a matter of seconds. It's been almost a minute, and she felt alive.

She thought she was dead. But this pain she felt, it felt like she was still alive. She didn't know if this was her dying, but she could tell something was wrong.

She opened her eyes. All she saw was black. She didn't know how long she was down there, but a blinding blue light started to illuminate from her shell.

It started to sing to her, and Emily felt the undying and sudden urge to feel the shell in her mouth and blow into it.

"When the waters and the tides are one. A beauty of light will guard our souls.

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