Jaytim《81》Tutor pt.2

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Jason's shoulders were tense the entire night.

Sitting right next to Tim didn't help with the butterflies he had in his stomach, though he continued to brush it off and blame his nerves.

Tim had really helped him a lot in just the first night, though he still couldn't completley understand all the words that flew out of the teens mouth.

Jason really wasn't looking forward to going home afterwards, but he tried to bury his feelings of fear and regret before slinging his backpack over his shoulder, all of his homework back in the old blue backpack.

"Do you need a ride home?" Tim asked politely as he got off of the chair he had been sitting on for the past two hours.

His question made Jason's heart skip a beat.

Jason tried to weighout the pros and cons in his head.

On one hand, if Tim were to drive him home, it would take a lot quicker to get home, which meant less of a punishment.

On the other hand, he didn't want to risk anything bad to happen. His dad could be drunk and tell Tim... not the most appropriate of things. Or he would blow up on Jason in front of Tim, which is not something he would ever want.

Jason shook his head and looked down at the wooden flooring.

"Nah. I'll walk home. It's fine."

Tim's eyebrow raised a fraction, and his blue eyes tried to read the exterior of Jason, trying to find something out.

"...okay then. I guess I'll see you next week."

"Yeah, guess so. Good night." Jason said before walking out of the room and down the stairs to the main entrance.

"Is master Timothy taking you home sir?" Afred asked from where he was standing near a China pot, feather duster in hand.

Jason shook his head once again. "No, I'm going to walk home. I need some fresh air to clear my mind."

Alfred looked skeptical, but simply nodded in agreement before swiping the duster across the pot in an attempt to get rid of non existant dust.

As soon as Jason passed the large double doors that stood as the Manor's entrance, he felt a huge weight lift off of his shoulders.

And then a different weight pooled inside of his chest.

He knew what was awaiting him at home, he had to go back to it every day. Doesn't mean that he'd gotten used to it. Doesn't mean he still doesn't hate it. But he's learned to accept that it was his life.

As Jason slowly walked down the long road that connected Wayne Manor to the rest of Gotham, he kicked pebbles with his boots and thought about how his life would be when he graduated.

If he graduated.

Jason mumbled several curse words under his breath as he wiped one of his hands across his face and try to get rid of the dirt that was probably on his skin.

The sounds of gravel being squished under his heavy boots sounded the alleyways he passed on his way to his house, and the thoughts of his nearly impossible future clouded his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Tim watched from his window in his room as Jason walked down the driveway, concern filooding his head as he watch the older boy leave with his head down and his face covered in almost invisible soot.

Key word being almost.

Tim had read every Sherlock Holmes book he's come across, which is all of them, and has read everything based off detective skills.

And training his eyes to catch the smallest of details wasn't hard, considering he was a photographer anyways.

So when Tim could see the soot kn Jason's face, could smell the alchohol and drugs come off of him, could notice a few healed scars, he was fairly concerned.

And the way Jason tensed up at the sight of the limo and of tha Manor only fed into his worry and made his detective skills go crazy.

Something had obviously happened to Jason in the past that made him act like this, but he couldn't entirely place his finger on it.

He had already developed a few dozen theories on what they could be, more than half including an abusive past, but he couldn't ask Jason. That would just be uncalled for, and it might push him away.

And in all honesty, Tim already feels connected to Jason. He doesn't know what his feelings towards him are, but every time Jason is near him, or he even thinks about him, his heart flutters and his insides feel like they're melting.

But what really tipped Tim towards the abusive side was the way he would flinch around loud noises, such as when Damian dropped a book on the floor previously that night, or even human contact.

It sent all of his senses and alarms off and into detective mode, which didn't help him much when he was trying to tutor Jason in algebra.

Tim opened up his laptop, being immediately sent to the lock screen, where a picture of Gotham City's museum was set as the background.

After opening up Google and hacking into the police files, Tim had searched up the name Jason Todd.

A few different profiles popped up, but when the mug shot that had the boy with black hair and a white streak in the front of his head.

Jason Peter Todd

Age: 18
Date of birth: August 16, XXXX
Family members: Wilis Todd
                                 Sheila Haywood

Tim looked at Sheila's profile first, only to find that she had died of a drug overdose in a way to take her own life.

Which quickly led him to look at Wilis's profile. Wilis had a long track history of being arrested for many things, which led Tim to dig deeper.

There was not one report on abuse, but Tim was rather suspicious of Wilis.

Little did Tim know that at the same time of his research, sirens sounded in the distance, an ambulance racing down the tracks and on its way to Jason's house.

How'd you like?

I think I could have done better.

*coughs* as usual *coughs*

But this is what I'm giving to you.

Keep in mind there will be no other part to this story. I did this to let you all come up with an ending yourselves.


If I survive tonight I'll let you know.

But until then, Jean out.

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