Chapter 7

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I woke up cold and alone the blanket that I had placed on him now tucking me in the couch he seemed to cling on with his life. I turned not wanting to get up, not knowing why to get up as my eyes took up the room that got colder and darker with every passing day. I turned facing the couch only to let the tears stream down my face as I felt like I would die. I hugged myself wanting to feel something, anything other than pain. I lay there time seeming to pass by slowly knowing perfectly well where he had locked himself which was the nursery. I threw the blanket off swinging my legs to the floor folding the blanket there ready to go upstairs to take a shower. The days seemed to grow longer with the nights growing colder. I made my way up passing through the door that was always locked keeping away all the unwanted people including me. I understood, there were some things that should be left untold and that nursery was one of them. I strolled into the room going straight into the bathroom taking a shower before going back to dress up. I stood there staring myself in the mirror. My cheeks seemed to have curved in with my bones becoming more pronounced. The clothes became bigger and bigger each day as I watched myself turn into a ghost just floating through the house trying to keep everything in place yet falling faster into a deep hole that went on and on. I could not remember when last I had talked, could not remember the last time I had heard a 'hello' or a ' how are you?' I found my way downstairs to switch on the TV not because we watched it but as a way of concealing that we never talked so we listened to other people talk instead. I went into the kitchen looking around the pantry seeing that the food stock was nearly depleted knowing that we would soon have to go shopping again but the problem was that the nearest food store was through a plane which we had but lacked the people to pilot it so we would have to hire one which would cost a leg on its own, we were running low on the finances. I sighed thinking of what we would do as we could not continue living like this. The boat was near the tipping point and if we were not careful then we would be sent drowning in the sea. My appetite seemed to leave me but I pushed myself knowing that I had to eat needing all the energy I could get. I took the egg frying it on the pan placing it in between two slices and eating it as it was with nothing to smoothen its way down. When done I washed the dishes not bothering with him as he only ate once a day his breakfast being the bottle of beer from the cellars.

I walked out of the kitchen determined as I took the steps two at a time knowing that it was now or never, I had let him wallow for long and it was time for him to stop drowning in self-pity and move on. I got there my legs shaking as if they would snap anytime there. I knocked on the door politely waiting for a response which I did not get so I knocked again and again until I heard the door unlock for me to come face to face with a seething man the smell of alcohol which I  had gotten used to making it hard to keep the food down.

"Sorry to disturb you but we have to talk." I said holding down my fort not caring that his chest was heaving in a way that only meant that he was near his breaking point his capacity of patience having reached its limit. He did not answer as he fold his fists only to un fold them making me swallow as I knew that I was playing with fire that could only burn me.

"We are low on food again," I said looking into his head seeing his thick long locks that cast a shadow over his face over the hoodie making it impossible to see anything besides the eye that stood out on its own with how red it was. I looked up at him as he said nothing in return.

"What are we going to do? We need to make a choice at this point if you want to bring back your business or we invest the forty million left because as soon as we start chirping that money away we will find ourselves broke with nothing left to spend." I told him what he probably did not want to hear but what he had to.

"What business do you have in my money?" He asked his voice sharp and I should have took that as a warning and left yet I found myself staring straight up at him.

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