Chapter 15

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I had never been this excited in my life, everything was just becoming too real for me. We had worked so hard and finally something was happening.

"I think I should change to a skirt, I don't know." I said particularly to no one. Looking down I tried to smooth any wrinkles away over, my heart pounding, my palms sweating.

"Yeah, I should definitely change to skirt." I said again turning around my heels clicking on the floor as I walked away.

"Sit down," I froze where I was turning around and walking to the seat nervously only to sit down.

"I don't know, I am so nervous, what about my speech? I don't want to ruin this. Oohh lord I can't do this."

"You already rehearsed it a hundred times, you will be fine now can I please work in peace." He said his eyes on his laptop trying to read through the piles and piles sent by the assistants of the four different men. I sat there feeling as if I would explode so I stood up pacing around the room my hands shaking my heels clicking on the floor with every step I took.

"Why don't you come with me, please?" I asked knowing that if both were there then it would all look less scary. He shook his head that being final as I went back to the chair to sit down and pout at him as if that would change his mind.

The sound made me snap my eyes out as I stood up in such haste making it to the window where I looked down seeing the four large double deck buses enter the compound. My heart was pounding, my head was pounding, it seemed like everything in me was pounding as I thought I would collapse to the ground never to get up. I could feel the sweat collect on my forehead, feel the shaking of my legs as I thought of how I could not do this. This was too much, never had I spoken in front of so many people. Never had I addressed, holding so much authority in front of so many people. Could I do it? Could I really do it? I did not think I could. My lips were trembling and I did not know how I was still standing. I was spun around my face caged in warm large hands. My eyes snapped to his finding nothing there everything being masked away.

"I trust you, I believe in you. I would not be doing this with you if I did not have faith in you so you go out there and don't make me regret it."

Everything seemed to just melt away his words just giving me such power that I had no idea I had, well even though he was kinda scary. I swallowed blinking all my problems away as I drew on his strength knowing that whatever happened I had tried my best. I nodded my head as he let go of me turning away to take his seat and proceed with what he was doing.
I can do this!

With that being said I walked out of the room turning when I got to the door seeing him busy with his work so I closed the door behind me and made my way to the elevator. There was nothing that could stop me, I was a strong and bold leader, a force to be reckoned with, I was a Rosewood and nothing would stop me from nailing this. With that I walked out of the elevator putting just a little bit bounce and sway in my hips not sure for who though. The doors to the main house were thrown wide open as I took the steps two at a time seeing the large crowd that had collected in the assembly square nearly all the men having climbed down from the buses. My hands started shaking again, I mean there were a lot of people here but what did I expect, a thousand was a large number. They talked, laughing as they took their bags off the buses. I turned walking back to the house seeing that they were still getting their bags off, getting there I took a deep breath closing my eyes trying to will my heart to calm down but it did not. Weakness was something that was unwanted here and I had to show a front for the Vintagè family I had to show strength and power. Taking another deep breath I opened my eyes making my way to the living room where I grabbed something  would be able to stand on. I walked out again to find that they had all took out their bags now and were just standing there talking, more like shouting with loud laughter breaking through all the noise that was just deafening. I put the wooden thing down stepping on it seeing that I could see all to the back head after head of matured bulky and scary men some of them covered in tattoos piercings everywhere that had a shiver run down my spine. No one spared me even a look, they did not give two shits about me and the fact that I was a women made everything worse. I cleared my voice so scared that I thought it would crack.

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