Chapter 59

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The phone rang as I held it between my shoulder and my cheek while holding the bottle on the other hand hearing her gulp it down as she held on to my hand as if to break it. Her eyes were on me, staying on my face never drifting away even to the bottle. My heart swelled, a smile spreading on my face, she was stealing my heart.

"Hello," Came the voice of the young lady.

"Hello, please put me through to Mr Sullivan on night time issues." I said, watching as Red pushed the bottle, done with it and moving on to the next thing she finds interesting. I had thought she would have passed out after the bottle but I guess she was good after screaming her lungs out half of the night. Rafael had nearly lost his shit as the baby screamed from twelve to five o'clock in the morning, it was like she took joy in it really. She was a bad girl. I closed the bottle and placed on the table then held her to my other shoulder.

"Your password?" Asked the lady.

"RWD16@345." I said back, this number practically burned at the back of my head. I was soon put on hold and with that I stood up, moving around the office and brushing Red's back, rocking her body a little for her to burp and just hoping she did not bring back her brunch snack because I had left the towel in the room. My mind drifted off to Rafael, not being able to help the smile as I thought of if he was cake tasting or dress shopping at this moment. He had been so exhausted at night and with the little sleep he got was probably someone's worst night mare at this point. I made it a point in my head to call him and ask for him to bring me fresh, gooey chocolate cake because I craved it so much I found myself having pancakes dripping in nothing but chocolate sauce which did not do it for me at all.

"This is Mr Sullivan, good day."

"Hello, this is Likhwalethu Rosewood and since my twenty first birthday has passed I would like to access my trust fund and make a few changes in my will." I said as Red lay her head on my shoulder, raising it now and again but not burping having me nearly sigh.

"Miss Rosewood, how nice to hear you alive. Well as you know these matters are dealt with face to face. I cannot discuss this with you through the phone because of security reasons." Mr Sullivan said.

"I thought you would say that and that is why I suggest video call. I am in Russia and cannot make it there because of my brother who wants my head on a platter. I promise I will compensate you for your troubles Mr Sullivan." I said back trying to charm him away because he was the family lawyer which meant he was my lawyer.

"Yes, your brother tried to access your trust fund and I told him you had already accessed it, it was a long shot since I did not know if you were alive or not but your father helped me so many times and that boy's story just did not add up. I held on reading both your parent's will since your body had not been found to confirm you dead." The man who had been the family's lawyer for so long said having me pause where I was too shocked to even say anything. He was a true friend of the family and I wished I could just hug him at this point.

"Thank you so much, he killed my parents and took over everything that is why I cannot come there. Please can you do this for me and I will give you two million for all your troubles." I said so happy I wanted to jump up and dance. Everything was happening fast and I had to sort a lot of things before the war came.

"That is so generous of you Miss Rosewood, let us switch to video chat." He said as I was fast to rush to my computer and dialling the number he gave on Skype. I dropped the phone call, happy as my neck had begun aching from bending, having to hold the phone against my shoulder.

"Let us get started then." The old wrinkled white man said as I nodded my head liking that we were going straight to business because we had a lot to change.
"Thank you for doing this again." I said to him knowing that this was usually done face to face where they would have you take a DNA test to prove that you were exactly who you say you are. People can change even appearances but no one can change DNA, yet.

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