Chapter 18

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My eyes flattered open again and this time I was not dreaming yet I could not help the smile that spread wide on my face closing my eyes again the bits and pieces of the dream still there for me to enjoy as my smile grew wider and wider. My eyes opened again as I rolled on the bed excitement filling me with the sun shining in the sky making it known that I was late for training. I wondered if Rafael had left but he probably had because I would never sleep in this late if he was still around. That men took pleasure to see me suffering at his hand when he woke me. The cold water had become something I was used to as he poured them on me every morning to wake me up. I rolled on the bed stretching my aching body with my feet still sore.

I knew it was time for me to get up and make sure that everyone was in place because it was obvious that there was no training happening for me this morning. I sat up swinging my legs to the floor only freeze my eyes seeing but not believing. There on the pedestal sat an iPhone 11, shiny, black and new and as if to mock me it blinked reporting a message.

My shaky hand went grabbing it reading the message and nearly fainting, my mind having a seizure I swear.

Rafael: I know you skipped training.

My body went rigid, falling on the bed as my heart beat so hard I thought I would explode. I could not believe this, it had not been a dream! My cheeks burned wishing I could just dig a hole jumping in to never show my face again. I lay there nearly laughing and half crying. It all came back to me one by one, everything we had said to each other and I did not know how I could ever face him again.

I recalled his words, his promise and I could not help but squall in bed my heart too fragile for such strong emotions. I brought the phone back to my face knowing I should respond, wanting to respond yet I did not know what to say. This was too exciting. I typed something only to delete it, typed again only to delete it again. I felt like a crazed teenager and it was such feelings I had never experienced before.

Lethu: Morning to you too.

I read it over and over again biting my lower lip to hold back the scream that threatened to escape my lips not believing this in the slightest.

I sat the phone down only to pick it up then put it down again. Ten minutes later with no response I put the phone down for the last time with a heavy heart making my bed then making my way to take a shower to start my day. I walked out of the elevator an hour later wearing a dress that hugged my body, long-sleeved, formal yet sexy with a pair of six inch high-heels even though my feet were killing me. The smell of freshly baked bread hit my nostrils, smiling as I saw that guards were in their stations guns in hand wearing their proper uniform ready for work, the humour from the previous night gone replaced by a no nonsense attitude that had me proud of how serious they took this.

All I could hear was Will's voice booming all over from the kitchen the ladies dead with laughter making me laugh not even knowing what they were talking about. I turned walking in to find half of the ladies eating their breakfast while the rest packed the dishes from breakfast.

"Morning everyone." I said out loud walking around to pour myself some coffee adding milk on it.

"Morning," They all said with Will not moving his analysing eyes from me.

"Do you guys see the glow?"

"What glow," I said turning from him before he could see me blush, all the ladies laughed.

"Don't mind him," One of the women said, as I thought of the fact that I needed to read their files so could know their names it feeling weird to just ask them now.

"Guys, I see a glow, tell us boss, what happened?"

I turned around to find him just next to me waiting for me to spill.

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