10: Lunch

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Nina rode with Oscar going to and from work, wherever that was. They had their small talks inside the car and she could only hope that they were somewhat getting close.

It still really baffled her how Oscar was known as Spooky. Everyone seemed scared of him. But not her.

She admits that she wanted to get to know him more but for some reason she could sense some emotions taking over. She found him attractive but she could definitely feel a crush on him developing and she didn't want that.

For the past few days her routine would entail going to work in the bodega and going out for tutorial sessions around Freeridge and Brentwood. Either way, Oscar made the time to drive her around.

No matter how much Nina said she didn't need it, mostly because she felt like she was bothering him by doing this, Oscar would always insist. It would be at the risk of bringing up those nights Nina just wanted to forget.

Not only would he bring her to where she needed to be but he would purposely go buy something from the bodega. Whether it be a pack of gum, a bottle of water, a bag of chips, or whatever he could find. Which Nina never understood.

Right now, she was going through one of the quizlets she gave to one of her students. She went through the answers and ticked off all the right ones and left the wrong ones unmarked.

"Either that kid be stupid or you aren't doin' your teaching job well."

Nina looked up to see Oscar, like that surprised her. "He's one of the new ones. He has a hard time with functions and he's been suffering through summer school quite enough," she answered putting down the quizlet.

"So what can I get you this time, Spooky? A new razor blade? Coffee? A pair of twisors?" She asked looking through the things in the store all the way from the counter.

"Why would I need twisors?" He cocked his eyebrow. One thing was for sure, he didn't like it when she called him Spooky. He preferred when she called him by his real name.

"Your eyebrows could use some work," Nina teased with a smirk as Oscar scowled at her. "So what do you need?"

"A new pack of cigarettes," he answered already pulling out his wallet. Nina turns to get his usual packet. I swear to God he smokes like its oxygen.

"$6.12," Nina says placing them on the counter. Oscar hands her the bills and she punches in the code into the cash register. "Will there be anything else?"

"How much do you charge by the hour?"

"¿Qué?" She shoots him a confused look.

"Your tutorial sessions. How much are you paid for the hour?"

Nina furrows her eyebrows. "Thirty bucks. Why do you ask?" She hands him his change as he easily shoves them into his pocket.

"That much?" Oscar raised his eyebrow.

"I bumped up the price a year ago," Nina explained. "This is my main hustle, my time and brain aren't cheap. It seems to be worth it anyway. Why'd you ask?"

"I'd like to buy your time. One hour," Oscar nodded.

Nina still couldn't catch on. "Do you know someone who needs help? Or are you the one that needs help?"

"Lunch. With you," he replied bluntly taking Nina aback... again. What is he up to?

"I don't get off for my lunch until one," she shrugged closing the cash register.

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