73: Cuchillos

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Nina's body felt heavy as she tossed and turned where she laid. There was a weight on her yet  where she laid was surprisingly comfortable. And as her eyes began to open she noticed that she was in a bedroom, it wasn't hers or Oscars. For a moment she was in daze looking at the lavish and intricate design of the bedroom from its bed design to its big and tall curtains. 

This room seemed fit for a princess.

All the memories suddenly kept flashing back in her head. Riding with her tía to 19th Street. Oscar walking into the house. Getting bagged and bounded. Possibly getting injected by a tranquilizer. Oscar. Now all she could think about was Oscar.

She forced herself to get up disregarding the soreness and heaviness of her body. She flips the blanket over her only to see that she was chained by the ankle to the foot of the bed. For a second she thought about lifting the bed and just slipping out but the bed seemed to massive for her to carry it. Instead she simply got up and tried walking to the door only for the chain to hold her back being five more feet away from the door.

"Oh for fucks sake," Nina cursed looking back that the chain. She tried making it over to the window but she still fell short. Her eyes wandered over the room to see a camera posted on each of its corners. Despite the nice room she was given she knew she was in a prison.

"Hello?!" She yelled looking at the cameras and the door. "Tu pinches hijos de putas!" She yelled once more as she felt her heart continue to race. If she was here, where was Oscar? She had to get to Oscar. She needed to know if they kept him alive. He needed to be alive.

Nina thought to herself for a moment going over the room. No doubt it seemed familiar and with how the light shone from the cracks of the curtain, the glimmering shown itself on the floor and bed. In that moment she knew exactly where she was. If one thing was for sure, Stacey was dumb for giving Nina a house tour.

Her eyes continued to wander the room until she saw the clock on the wall on the opposite side of the room. It was seven in the morning. She had been knocked out since yesterday and it caused her to panic more. But she could only think of how she was going to get out of here. Only then she could make it a mission to find Oscar. If he was still alive.

He had to be alive. He needs to be alive. The mere thought of him getting killed by those bitches from 19th Street made her blood boil. They try anything with her and she might as well actually live up to the name of Lady Spooky now. They wanted to put her into this situation then might as well give it her all.

"Beunos días, princesa!" The doors opened to reveal Cuchillos accompanied by Captain Cortez. Good to know who her bitch was. "I hope you don't mind that I brought you breakfast," she smiled holding up a tray filled with food and a glass of orange juice.

"I brought you vitamins. I may have given you a strong dose of tranquilizer for you to wake up the next day," she continued to walk forward. Nina's eyes burned as she only saw red, this puta was supposed to be dead. As Cuchillos walked toward her Nina lunged forward in anger only to be brought down by the chain.

"Ay, Nina," Cuchillos clicked her tongue. "I was only trying to be a good host but you've already made me forced my hand," she added with a frown.

"You come near me and I kill you!" Nina spat at her. But Cuchillos only laughed and clicked her tongue once more.

"Mija, when did you get so violent? That's so unlike you," Cuchillos taunted her even more with the shake of her head but that smile she wore on her face fell when she turned to Cortez. In one nod, Cortez pulled out a baton with a stunning taser at the end sending Nina to take a step back.

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