59: Home

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Blessed by Daniel Caeser
We can't be by ourselves, we
We'll always need each other, and
Yes, I'm a mess but I'm blessed
To be stuck with you
I just want you to know that
If I could I swear I'll go back
Make everything all better

And I'm coming back home to you


Oscar held Nina's hand tightly, his thumb grazing over her soft skin. It had been four days already and Nina was still asleep. When they'd first seen her hooked up to life support, their hearts broke just a little bit more. They were happy she was alive but the scene was still heart breaking seeing Nina as the effect of all the action done back in Freeridge.

The first night, Victoria insisted on staying with Nina telling Oscar to go home and get some rest. It took awhile for him to finally give him so he did promising to be back in the morning. When he did go home, he didn't get as much sleep as expected.

First it began with him telling who he could that Nina was going to be okay. When he was all alone in his room he got into a fit getting mad and eventually crying. He'd punch another hole into his goddamn wall seeing Nina so helpless and the only thing that kept her alive was that life support machine she was hooked up to. 

Not only that but the idea of him becoming a father finally sank in. He had already been stripped away of that title before him and Nina could do anything about it. What hurt him more was the fact that he'd been talking to Nina in the car about getting married and kids. Little did they know they were supposed to be parents. The Prophet$ nearly took away Nina but they had already taken the life of his son or daughter.

Ever since then he's been coming in every morning and every other moment he could just to see her. Him and the other Santos have been spending some time plotting what they should be doing next. Unlike the Prophet$ they won't be dragging in innocents into this whole mess. Other than that, the police had tapped into Nina's phone for the security footage and Marcus' confessional for murdering Tony.

All those who survived the shoot out were arrested on coordinated assault, destruction of property, carrying unauthorized weapons, and all more other things the police had uncovered prior to the incident at the bodega. The officer that had detained Keenan Copeland was on Prophet$ payroll and was detained too for tampering with evidence and the case as a whole. All of that and there was still no sign of Marcus.

"Hey," Oscar looked up to see Victoria by the door way. She enters and sets her stuff down by the other chair. "Since you're here I'm just gonna grab something to eat. Do you want anything?"

Oscar shook his head. "I thought you were going back to work today?" he questioned looking at her pace back and forth the room a little.

"I found a way for me to work from home. I know it's sort of difficult to explain but I just...," Victoria sighs. "I can't leave her but I can't not work or else I won't be getting paid. The bill alone for the surgery was-" she didn't know what to say. Besides Nina still asleep, she'd been trying to budget to figure out how they were going to pay for the hospital bill.

With both their jobs, taking care of the twins, and the destruction done to Berto's bodega, it would still be impossible to land that kind of cash. They would be drowning in debt for years.

"Hey, we'll figure it out," Oscar called out which made her stop pacing for a second. He too would have to figure out how he could contribute to Nina's bill. He could use his cut from the heist but they still had to figure out how to wash the money. But besides his usual cut, it would still be nearly impossible to clear that debt.

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