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I woke up to the sound of an explosion beneath the building that even made the flat shake, followed by a hell of a noise. The bed was empty apart from me and I immediately knew what was going on.

With a groan leaving my mouth, I rolled out of bed. I really didn't want to because the bed was nice and warm but I needed to make sure they hadn't killed each other with that explosion.

I grabbed one of George's jumpers and pulled it over my pyjamas top. It had been the closest piece of clothing and I had to get down and see what they were up to at two in the morning. It was a good idea to wear something in the shop because it was pretty cool down there, which was why I had grabbed the jumper.

I continued my way through the shop and to the cellar which was where the guys tested their products and made new ones.

Purple smoke came from the door that led down and when I entered, it was allowed to slowly flew out, revealing George and Fred by a table in the faint lit room.

I folded my arms over my chest as the two of them looked at me. George sent me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry we woke you. Fred thought he'd finally solved the problem we had with the stepping-potion, but it seems like the Gnat Heads only made it worse."

Fred was grinning. His face was colored a vibrant purple and he looked ridiculous.

"Better luck next time I s'pose."

"You two..." I sighed and shook my head. "It's two in the morning. We should all be asleep right now. It's not fun to wake up to an explosion."

"But it's hella fun to experience them." Fred grinned. "C'mon, let's try again."

"No!" I exclaimed when George reached for another ingredient. "No more experimenting for tonight. Fred, your entire face is purple and George, you've got some on your cheek. Let's go back up in the flat so you can get washed up and go back to bed."

"Yes, mum." Fred muttered while George started putting away ingredients. Fred got up and approached me as I stood by the door. He pecked my cheek on the way. "Goodnight mum."

I rolled my eyes at his playful mood and patted his back when he walked through the door. George glanced at me, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"If our future kids take after you with all these experiments, I don't know what I'll do." I said.

"That would be so much fun! Imagine them sneaking into the basement at night to test products."

"Imagine them getting killed because of an explosion." I argued as he put away the last ingredient. George walked up to me, looking down at me with a playfully wicked grin. "What?"

"What?" He asked back, acting clueless as if he wasn't looking at me that way.

"C'mon." I decided to drop it and turned around, leading the way out of the cellar. Up in the flat, the door to the bathroom was open and Fred stood in front of the sink and mirror, washing his face. He had taken off his shirt since it had been covered in the purple stuff too.

"I'm going to bed." I announced when George joined his brother in the bathroom to wash the purple off him too. I pulled off the jumper and crawled into bed, curling up onto the covers. I closed my eyes, smiling at the familiar warm feeling, thought it wasn't as warm without George here.

"Night Freddie!" I heard George call only minutes after before footsteps entered the room, followed by the door closing. "Are you already sleeping?"

"No." I muttered into the pillow and I felt George crawl into bed, his body heat immediately hitting me. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, then my jaw and then my shoulder before wrapping his arm around me.

"When are you going to sleep without clothes on?" He whispered. I gently slapped him in the chest, making him giggle softly.

"It's November."

"I'll keep you warm."

I chuckled against the skin of his chest before I rolled onto my back. George propped himself up on his elbow, watching me while I undid the buttons on my pyjamas top.

"You're such a pervert." I joked and sat up to take off the blouse. I folded it before gently placing it on the floor along with my pants after pulling them off.

"Only for you my love." He joked back as I laid back down, throwing a leg over his hip while resting my head on his chest. He pulled the covers up over my shoulders, his arms wrapped around me. "I like this a lot better."

"I'm sure you do." I smiled and closed my eyes.
"Now, sleep."


I am so single... ;((

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