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"Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shit!"

I paced down the stairs, repeatedly cursing to myself. Kathleen's water just broke. She's not having contractions but we have to get Aline to come since she's the one who has to help deliver the baby.

"What are you..."

"Lee, you gotta get upstairs." I interrupted Charlie. "Her water broke. She's in labor."

Lee looked at me for a moment before he jumped out of his seat and rushed upstairs. Then I turned to Bill, Fleur and Charlie who stood in the kitchen. Everyone else were asleep. Well, apart from Deanne who was upstairs with Kathy, probably annoying her with her presence.

"I'm going to apparate quickly to Aline and Gregory's house in London. A letter is too slow and..."

"You want to leave?" Bill asked. "That's not going to happen. You are one of the people in this house that is in the most danger when it comes to leaving. I'll go."

"No you won't." Fleur spoke. "That was our wedding that got crashed. The ministry has been taking over by Voldemort and his death eaters. They can track down everyone who uses magic to transport and they'll know you so if you leave, you are putting yourself in just as much danger as if it was Lizzie.. or George or Fred or Deanne."

"Then I'll go." Charlie offered. "They don't know me. I've spent most of my adult years in Egypt."

"But your last name is Weasley." Fleur said. "Most people under this roof is either a Weasley by birth or marriage. You two plus Fred and George have Weasley in your name. I now have Weasley in my name, Lizzie has Weasley in her name. Kathleen can't leave because she's in labor and Lee has to stay by her side because he's the father..."

"That leaves Deanne." I said and breathed heavily. "She can't apparate. Fuck!"

"Do your cousin and her husband have a fireplace?" Bill asked.

"Floo powder!" I exclaimed. "I don't know why I didn't think of that. You're a genius!"

I ran back up the stairs and into the room where Kathy took some deep breaths. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands on knees.

"She just had a contraction." Lee informed me while Deanne helped her calm down, guiding her through the breathing exercises.

"Deanne." I spoke. "We have to get Aline and you're the only one who can travel without being in danger. There's a fireplace downstairs as you know and Aline and Gregory have one as well."

"Okay." she nodded slowly. "So I'll go through the Floo Network and take her with me? And what if your father sees it? If he sees my name in the system? I'm his niece. He knows me."

"Oh shit." I cursed. "I know. It's a risk but you're the one in least danger apart from Lee but he can't go. He has to stay with Kathy."

"Alright." she muttered. "I'll go get her and I'll try to be quick about it."

She hurried past me to run downstairs while I approached Kathy. I crouched in front of her, hands on her knees while Lee massaged her shoulders.

"I'm starting to warm up to her." Kathy breathed, making me chuckle.

"How're you feeling?"

"Like my baby hates me." She said and Lee bit back a laugh, earning a glare from Kathy.

"I'll go get you some water." I said. I stood back up and walked out of the room and back downstairs.

"How is she feeling?" Fleur asked me when I grabbed a glass in the cabinet.

"It looks like things are moving quickly." I said. "She's already having a contraction."

"And how are you feeling?" Bill asked and I tensed up in the middle of filling the glass. I turned off the water and then looked at him.

"This isn't about me. It's about Kathleen, Lee and them welcoming their child into the world. It's about their family. There's no time for me to be selfish and grief over my own daughter."

I joined Kathy and Lee in the bedroom again, handing her the glass of water. She muttered a quite thanks before drinking half of it.

"Her contraction stopped." Lee said. "It only lasted twenty-five seconds or so."

"Only?" Kathy scoffed. "It felt like bloody minutes!"

She then looked at me as I sat next to her. "I heard what you told Bill."


"The door was open and the kitchen is just by the stairs. I heard your conversation."


"I know you've had a hard time." She told me. "I've seen your face every time someone mentioned my pregnancy or my baby. I've seen your face every time I mentioned it. You lost your child and I am not blaming you for feeling the way you do. I actually get it. I wouldn't like it either if I miscarried and you got to keep yours. I just want to say that I love you Liz. You are an amazing person for pushing those feelings away so you can be there for me, though you need to know that your feelings are valid and you can always talk to me about them."

One and Only 2 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now