stuff about y/n

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name: y/n shigiraki/aizawa

gender: female

age: 15/16

birthday: yours 

sign: yours

quirk: all for one. y/n has all the quirks on the world.[yh ik 2 op. well i don't fucking care. stfu]

hero name: queen 

class: 1a

height: 5ft6

weight: yours

body type: yours

eye color: yours

hair color/type: yours

features: yours

ethnicity: black/mixed with black

blood type: yours

likes: cooking, her family, dancing, singing by herself, sleeping, cats, drawing, baking and training

dislikes: pervs, bad vibes, homophobes, racists, sexists, feeling weak, pedos, feeling overwhelmed or pressured and and all for one

personality: y/n is a bold soul. she will say anything that's on her mind. she is very protective of people she cares about. because she likes cats so much she can act like them if she feels comfortable enough. she is quick-witted but she can hold back if she needs to. she is flirty to people she really likes.

intelligence: 6/5

power: 6/5

technique: 5/5

speed: 6/5


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