ch10 class rep p2

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"here you go y/n," ranchi said passing y/n a plate of f/f.[ranchi is lunch rush btw]

"thanks uncle ranchi,"

"no problem," it was finally lunch time and y/n just got her food. as she was walking to go to her dad; because they usually eat together, the universe had other plans.

"hey y/n!" ochaco called to her across the room. y/n looked over and saw tenya and izuku with her too. "do you wanna come sit with us?" y/n smiled, nodded and sat next to Izuku. "ugh it's so crowded in here,"

"that's because everyone in the hero course, support course, management course and the general studies course all share the same cafeteria," tenya explained to ochaco. y/n already knew that but she let him say what he wanted to say.

"mmmm this rice is so good!" ochaco said completely changing the topic.

"yeah i know uncle ranchi makes the best food," said y/n eating f/f.

"uncle ranchi?" ochaco and tenya said at the same time.

"oh shame. i forgot that you don't know them like i do. i mean lunch rush,"

"ohhhhhh okay,"

"ah yes,"

"what's it like knowing all the teachers personally? do you get more stuff and help to become a hero?" asked ochaco.

'damn this girl is really nosey,' thought y/n. "well its not really that different to be honest. i just know them more that's all. i get more punishment if i get in trouble because they know me more. you should be glad that you don't know them like do," y/n laughed.

"oh okay,"

"right of course. they know you more so they expect you to act more mature," 

"believe me ida, I'm the least mature person in the world," y/n laughed. ochaco and tenya laughed lightly at that.

y/n looked over to izuku and he was spacing out; not even touching his food. she wanted to read his thoughts but she didn't want to seem nosey.

"hey midoriya you good?" she asked. her question bought him out of his trance.

"i'm just worried about the class rep thing. i don't think i'm qualified," he sighed hanging his head low.

'ma guy doesn't think he's qualified. EH?' thought y/n. 'damn. he's stupider then i thought,'

"sure you are," said ochaco.

"you'll be great," said tenya looking at izuku. y/n knew that he wanted to get picked and he would be a good class rep too. "your courage and quick thinking under stress will make you a worthy leader. not to mention the great strength you have demonstrated. at least that i voted for you at least," he said looking back down to eat his curry.

"you were one of the four?" izuku said shocked.

"didn't you want to be class rep really bad though?"

"yeah she's right. you do look like one with the glasses and everything," y/n said.

"that's not exactly how we should be choosing our class rep you two," said tenya. y/n and ochaco laughed lightly together. "wanting to do something and being suited for it are two very different issues. observing the Ida family agency has taught me that much," he finished saying.

"agency?" izuku asked in confusion. "hold on what exactly does your family do?"

"oh it's err nothing,"

"yeah its nothing to be related to tensei ida the turbo hero: ingenium right?" asked y/n looking down at f/f. tenya looked at her in shock. y/n looked up and smiled at him. no one he knew had been able to figure it out that quickly; however this girl had all the quirks in the world.

"i was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family," he said rubbing his neck.

"don't worry ida. i'll treat you exactly the-"

"warning! level three security breach! all students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion!" someone spoke through the intercom.

"hold on, what's a level three security breach?"

"what's happening?"

"it's a pain in ma ass," y/n said answering ochacos' question. in seconds she teleported all around the school trying to find the cause of it. she stopped in the office of the school. 'this is pissing me off. why is there a-' she stopped thinking. she felt a presence. a presence she knew too well. "tomura?" y/n said. "are you there?"

no response. 'yeah i don't wanna be here anymore' she thought and she teleported out of the room.

"she looks just like her mother, don't you think master shigiraki?"

"yes. yes she does,"

*time skip*

not gonna lie, y/n was a little late to the class. but it was only because she felt tomuras' presence when she was teleporting and she didn't want to leave any stone unturned. she wanted to tell shota but she didn't see him so she might be wrong. 

as y/n slide the door open, she saw tenya standing up at his desk and izuku and momo were standing up at her fathers desk.

"if midoriya is nominating me for this job, then i will humbly accept. i pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities," he said with a determination. 

"so obviously i missed something important,"

"y/n! where were you?" ochaco asked as y/n was walking to her seat.

"oh since the alarms went off, i went to check out the school to make sure everything was running smoothly, and see what caused it," she said sitting down.

"did you see anything?" asked ida.

"nope," she lied.

"wow look at the class queen,"

"you're doing your duty y/n,"

"shut up ashido. shut up kirishima,"

"i apologize your majesty,"

"yes class queen,"

"no don't call me class queen or your majesty,"

"i don't know y/n. class queen is starting to stick," said izuku smiling.

"all hail the class queen!" shouted eijiro and mina in unison. most of the class cheered which made y/n smile.  y/n stood up and bowed to the class. which made the class cheer again but this time it was louder than before. 

as y/ns' head rose, she had a look in her eyes. a look which meant if anyone hurt anyone in her class; they would die in seconds. no milliseconds. not even that. they would be dead before anyone realized.

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