Legend day 3

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Song up above is apart of the theme majorly so please listen to it.

A radio played the song. And the only person listening to the radio listened to the song. She felt connected to the song. She turned to her mommy who up front with her daddy.

"Mommy what is playing?" She asked in her soft yet smart voice. Since she held a high IQ even though she was only ten years old.

"That sweetie is Marinette Dupain Cheng."

Danny POV

I perked up at that. The legend surrounding her was what I loved to read about. Her story inspired me the moment I read it.

"Mommy can you tell me the legend again?" She laughed but began to tell the story.

"Well long a ago in the year of 2017. There was a young girl loved by all. She had not only a heart of gold which is rare to come by. But a soul made out of every wonderful and vauble thing existance.

Everyone she met loved her. But that all changed when two new students came to her school. And was put in her class. She welcomed them with open arms. There was a boy who had onyx black hair, forest emerald green eyes and a cold look. And there was a girl. Who had caramel skin, green eyes, brown hair and a calm expression.

After first period. Marinette started to make her rounds to make sure everyone was happy and held no ill will to anyone. But she soon heard that the new girl named Lila was spreading lies. And so being the person who does the right thing no matter what. She started to call out every lie and tried to show people the truth.

But none believed her. Except for Chloe, Alex, Max, Nathaniel and the new guy. The new guy name was Damian Wayne."

"Grandpa!" I shouted with a smile. Mommy smiled and nodded.

"Damian helped Marinette all he could. And soon they started to develop feelings for each other. But Marinette feared that if they got together. That her former friends that are her bullies. Would start to bully him as well. But one day it became too much.

They had destroyed the very thing she held dear. Her sketch book. Which also contained the last happy memory of her and her former friends. So the day after She went on a famous news channel. And revealed that she was Nettie the famous songwriter at the time. And sang the very song we listened to. It's name that is known though out the world. All my friends are fake.

After that she vanished. Never seen or heard of again. They tried finding her. But no luck not even Batman could. But she did leave a riddle about her in her new life. Which has never been figured out not even by Red Robin."

"What is the riddle?" I asked eager. I never got to hear this part. Since I was  too busy thinking about everything she gone through. Or didn't catch that part. Wanting to listen to the song.

"What is said to be like Jessie and sounds like train?"

I sat thinking about it. And looked at daddy. We were still driving. To go see grandpa and grandma. They wanted to tell us something important. And this made mommy and daddy nervous. But asked my question.

"Mommy, Daddy have anyone ever thought that Jessie is her new name. And that train rhymes with her new last name?" They looked at each other then glanced at me.

"No we didn't sweetie. But we haven't tried to figure out the riddle in years." Daddy answered. I perked up at the last part.

"You tried to figure out the riddle?" I asked them. They nodded and I smiled at that. But this time I listen to the song. Then it hit me. She was asking whether if she changed her name. Would people love her. Mommy said that her and grandpa liked each other. And grandma name was Jessie.

"I figured it out!" I shouted with glee. Mommy and Daddy looked shocked but we arrived before they could ask any questions. I ran out the front door great great grandpa Alfred opened the door still looking the same from the wedding pictures of grandma and grandpa.

He led me and my parents to grandma and grandpa. They were in the study they shared going through photo albums.

They smiled at us. And grandma passed out the cookies she must of made. They were in their sixties and looked amazing. My aunt and uncle were both at the couch waiting to find out why they were here.

"It's good to see you Bruce and Kiki. And my little fairy Danny. Come on Martha and Thompson are already here. And what I am about to tell you is important." We sat down with my aunt and uncle.

"What is it mom?" Aunty Martha asked concern evident in her voice.

"It's about my past. My real name isn't Jessie. It's Marinette. I went into hiding after the bullies in my school went too far. I announced one of my secret identities before disappearing. It's actually aquire famous song." I was jumping in my seat. As mommy, daddy, uncle and auntie figured it out.

"Wait your Nettie!" Uncle Thompson shouted. Grandma shouted with a smile.

"I wanted to tell you in person since I will be going to my class reunion. No one knew I had stayed at the school. But as Jessie Star. I finished my education and started to date your father or grandfather for my little fairy. After a year or two we got married and you three came into the picture. Soon Bruce met Kiki and had Danny. But tomorrow is our class reunion. And the day I disappeared so I will be revealing myself. And back lash for me, Damian and all of you will happen. So I wanted to prepare you."

All of us nodded then Thompson stood up. With an awestruck look. But determination on his face.

"So your telling me your the legendary singer that vanished after what that liar did to you? What happened to her after you disappeared as everyone thinks at the moment?" Grandma smiled at that.

"She got expelled and was drowning in lawsuits. When we graduated. Since everyone that knew me started to research her. And found about her lies." We laughed at that. But then I went to bed tired and happy that I was the Grand daughter of a legend. And not only in her civilian life. Grandma and grandpa were legends around the world for their good deeds.

In their civilian forms and hero's form. Ladybird for grandma. She showed that love and compassion can concore all if given the time and energy. While grandpa took up great grandpa Bruce mantel as Batman.

Uncle Thompson actually is Batman right now. And grandma is training aunty Martha to be the next guardian of the Miraculaous's. I smiled going to sleep happy and proud of the family I am apart of.

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