How to get weed

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I actually felt much better being away from Dad. Just drawing with no one correcting me or saying that I should be doing something else with my time.

"So, I heard that you and Belarus are a thing now," UN smiled as she was looking down at some paperwork.

"How did you know?" I asked, unsure on how someone as important as her knows at something so insignificant.

"New Zealand, I am UN. I know everything that goes on," She laughed a little as she signed something.

"Everything," I repeated subconsciously.

"Yes, everything. I even know about what happened between you and your other friend," She explained. I felt very embarrassed and my face went red as I thought back to the look on Wales' face after he had kissed me.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about dear. It's normal to experiment a little," She sighed as if she could sense my emotions.

"I just don't know what to do about it. I love Belarus and I love Wales, but I-I," I stuttered.

"Look, I'm not a love doctor, but you should talk about it with Bela and explain to her what happened," UN offered.

"But what if she hates me after that?"

"I'm not sure how she might react, but being honest is important. What if Australia kissed Belarus and no one told you?" She said.

"I think I get your point," I sighed.

"But Australia better not have," I muttered.

"It was only an example, Australia hasn't kissed her," UN said as she patted my head.

As the day moved on, I stayed with UN for every break and meeting. It was very interesting and I felt quite special. But the day eventually ended and I had to say goodbye to UN. She was so kind. But I had to go back to dad, despite not wanting to.

Dad wasn't happy about me going off with UN, but he seemed really tired. The last time he was this tired he was on antidepressants. Huh, I can't be that bad of a child, can I?

"I'm sorry, dad," I muttered.

"We will discuss this more when we get home," He mumbled as he walked off towards the car. I got in, making sure to sit in the back. Sitting next to him would be bad let alone being in the same car with him.

We arrived home and my Australia was already watching the tv.

"Yo, what happened to you?" He asked in a bit of a laugh. I didn't feel like talking to him.

Instead, I ran up to my room and closed the door. Just then I noticed my phone buzz. I looked down and saw the large number of texts I had gotten from Wales, Bela and Brazil. I must have turned my notifications off when I was in the office.

I unlocked my phone and started going through Wales' texts. It was only then that I remembered that I was supposed to meet up with him after school. Not gonna lie, I'm kind of glad I didn't get around to seeing him today. I didn't think I was ready to talk to him about that kiss. I didn't even reply to him. Maybe later.

I checked the messages from Bela. A lot of pictures of her in full on battle gear. She looked pretty happy and safe so I didn't really worry about her. I always knew she was strong. She was the least likely to get in the way of harm, in fact, she would be the one to inflict harm upon others. Man, I love her. I wish I could do more for her, but she really doesn't need anything more than my support.

And then, I flicked to Brazil's messages. It was just him constantly reminding me that I promised to get him weed. Why did I promise that?! But now that I was curious, I wanted to try it.

"But it might be dangerous," I muttered to myself.

"What might be dangerous?" Canada asked as he walked into my room.

"Uh, nothing. But while you are here, can I ask you a question?" I asked.


"Who told you?!" Canada shouted as he covered my mouth with his hand.

"America did," I managed to say.

"Have you told anyone else?" He asked.

"No, and I'm not going to tell anyone," I explained. Canada uncovered my mouth and I could breathe easily again.

"Well then," Canada sighed to himself.

"So, can I have some?" I asked.

"Hell no! If dad found out I was giving you weed, he'd have me killed," Canada said in a hushed voice.

"What if I pay you double the price?" I offered.

"Not a chance. You're my little brother, not my client. You have to find another dealer. But none of my rivals," Canada said firmly.

"Aw, come on. Just one little baggy," I asked.

"No! What is even making you want to buy? Please tell me, I could use it for business," He said.

"Only if you let me buy," I tried to deal.

"Still no, and don't even think about threatening me, it won't work because no one cares about me," He refuted.

"But you care about money and business. Maybe I could help you out with advertisement?" I offered.

"Tempting, but no. You already have a bad reputation at the school,"

"Dammit, but what if I-"

"Zea! Just stop. I'm not selling you weed. The stuff is addictive and drives people into financial debt in which I live off of. I don't want to be living off my own brother's debt," Canada said in a finalising voice.

"Fine," I gave up.

"Good," He sighed as he walked out of the room.

Little did he know, I was still gonna get that weed, one way, or another.

As soon as he left the room, I texted America. He knew everyone's secrets, so he would know where Canada hides the weed. It's not difficult to get secrets out of America if you come at him with the right approach.

Oil and money...

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