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I could feel my face burn. I realised I was blushing. Oh god! What did I say? I looked back at Ukraine. He gave me a thumbs up with the biggest smile. Canada was holding his hand over Japan's mouth. Japan seemed the most excited.

"A-are you okay?" I asked Bela. She nodded her head wildly with widened eyes.

"Hey! Kiwi!" I heard the familiar disappointing sound of Australia. My emotions changed, and I felt angry. I made sure not to look at him. When I felt him put his hand on my shoulder, I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder.

"I told you not to call me Kiwi. Only my friends can call me that," I snapped at him.

"I just wanted to say, sorry!" He assured putting his hands up in defence as if I would hit him, which I most definitely felt like doing.

"Save it! I don't want to hear it from you! You always do this!" I shouted, turning around to face him. I could sense his muscles tense in fear.

"I can change!" He shouted back. I stood up and pushed him to the ground. I stood over him.

"No, you can't. You have proven that already. Now leave, mock me with your 'friends'," I said before walking away. Bela grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. I felt myself blush again.

"New Zealand? What is happening to you? You used to be so sweet," Bela sighed, looking up at me with almost disappointed eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just can't take him anymore! He drives me crazy!" I shouted. I was feeling so stressed. Bela pulled me into a hug. It calmed me down.

"Ah, frick. Did I miss them kiss?" I heard Wales say from where Canada, Ukraine and Japan were standing. Ukraine covered his mouth. What Did he mean? Kiss? Who? Bela? No, no. It couldn't be. She isn't even into me. We are just friends... Right?

I pulled away from Bela, feeling conflicted. Bela continued to hold my hand though. I was kind of happy that she didn't let go. She provided a sense of safety. I felt disappointed when the bell rang. I didn't want to go to class, but I don't think I could afford to skip more classes.

Bela walked with me to my locker, still holding my hand. I could hear the whispering of the kids in the hallway. They were judging us. I let go of her hand and I could sense her disappointment, but she stayed next to me. I didn't want to let go, but I didn't want Bela to get bullied because of being close to me. That's why she doesn't have any other friends, anyway.

I grabbed my books and walked with her to her locker. But when I saw North Korea approaching us in the distance, I told her I had to leave. They would only hurt me, anyway. I made it to class and took my seat up the front.

The kids were whispering about me. I could hear it. Some said that Bela and I made out and others said that we... went a little too far. But we didn't! Where did they even get this crap from? The teacher walked into the room and hushed everyone. I was still dreading the end of the day. It was fast approaching too.

As soon as the end of the day came, I put my stuff away and collected my bag. I couldn't get out of this one. I started walking to the principal's offices. I heard Wales calling after me. I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hey Wales," I said awkwardly. I wanted to stall but the longer I did the more I would get in trouble.

"So, how is it going with you and Bela?" He asked in a sly voice. I didn't have time for this. I turned and left him behind. Now that I think about it, I must have seemed rude. I couldn't think about that though. I had to think about the doom that lay ahead of me. I saw Brazil standing in front of the principal's office, waiting. I stood next to him.

"Zed! I heard you got a girlfriend? What's her name?" He said with a smug spreading across his face. I felt a blush creep upon my face.

"What? Is that the new rumour?" I said, slightly confused.

"Is it not true?" Brazil said as Russia arrived.

"What are you guys talking about?" Russia asked.

"Zed has a girlfriend!" Brazil shouted.

"I do not!" I shouted in my defence. Russia looked displeased. Suddenly the door opened, and we were let into the meeting. I felt nerves overtake my body. I saw Dad sitting at the desk along with Russia's father and Brazil's father. I felt overwhelmed.

"Come in, take a seat," Principles UN said. We did. We took the seats next to our fathers. I looked up at Dad to see his disappointed look. I was a disappointment.

The meeting went ahead. With every word that was spoken, I could feel my heart sink further and further into the depths of hell. By the time it ended, I was completely out of self-esteem.

As soon as we left the building, and we were out of sight of anyone, Dad grabbed my upper arm angrily. I could feel his stress in the tightness of his grip. It would leave a bruise.

"New Zealand! What the hell! I expected better of you!" He growled, which scared me even more than the hand that dug its nails into my skin like a living parasite. I tried to tug my arm away from his surprising strength, but he was gripping my arm too tightly. The way he scolded me made me feel terrified about what was to come when we got home. Then I heard the furious booming voice of Russia's father from around the corner. Dad let go of me and roughly ushered me to the car.

I looked past my shoulder to see Russia being thrown down to the ground and being roughly kicked by his father. I felt sorry for Russia. I couldn't stop him, I couldn't even try, so I gave him a helpless look of concern. I looked back down to the floor where my eyes were once trained on. Memories flood back in my head as I shiver. I tried to think of other things. I didn't want to remember. I *never* wanted to remember again, but as much as I commanded my mind and body not to, they did as they pleased. Bring sudden mental pains to my head and body. Like my brain was trying to repeat the events on my body, I kept my eyes on the floor with my hands in tight fists on my lap. Keeping the tears that were already starting to pool at the corners of my eyes..

The drive home was painfully long and whenever I looked in the rear-view mirror, I could see dad's disappointed face staring back at me.

"I'm sorry," I sighed under my breath, pulling my legs up onto the seat, looking out the window watching the scenery as I waited for Britain to respond.

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