How not to get weed

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With a small bottle of cooking oil and a painted black can, I was able to get around the problem of not having access to real oil. It looked convincing enough. I grabbed $42 out of my piggy bank and was ready to try and convince America to tell me where the weed was.

I hid the stuff in my pockets and walked to America's room. The door was closed as it usually was. I slowly creaked open the door and saw America sitting on his bed playing something on his phone. He looked over at me.

"What do you want?" He asked rudely.

"I was wondering if you could-" I started, but I felt someone grab my arm and yank me out from America's room. It's Canada.

"Don't even think about it," Canada muttered. I felt him reach into my pocket and grab out my money and the fake oil.

"I'll be taking the money though," He said as he threw the can back to me and walked away.

"I hate it when he does that," America muttered. He had gotten up from his bed and was going to close the door.

"Wait, I want to know a secret," I said as I put my foot in the door.

"I can't do that for you," He said.

"Please. Just tell me where Canada keeps his weed," I asked.

"No can do," He sighed.

"I'll do you chores for the week," I offered.

"Hmm, okay. Canada may or may not be running this whole operation in the shed. Not the garden shed, but the one that is a little deeper into the surrounding trees," America whispered.

"Thanks," I nodded and left.

I walked down stairs, but just as I reached the bottom, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered.

"Zea! I thought you were coming over after school, where have you been?" Wales asked over the phone.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I kind of got in trouble and forgot about it," I mumbled quietly. I could hear dad sipping his tea. Although quiet, he makes a very distinct noise while drinking as to warn us not to disturb him unless America is about to throw his tea into the harbour again.

"How can you just forget? What did you even do?" He asked.

"I ran away from school," I mumbled.

"Without me? You should have waited at least a week," He sounded disappointed.

"Look, things were kind of difficult and I had to just do it today, but we can do it next week," I explained.

"No the hell you aren't!" I heard dad shout. I went back to whispering.

"So, anyway. How was the new school?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Weird, the people there are so friendly to me, but I bet you it won't be long before they start ignoring me," Wales sighed.

"Have you found any friends?" I asked.

"Nah, you are my one and only," He chuckled. I remember the days when we would ironically flirt with each other, but after what happened, it's a little weird.

"Haha, you too," I responded awkwardly.

"Anyway, you are going to come over tomorrow, right?" Wales asked.

"Of course. If I don't run away again," I laughed.

"Okay, I should go now," Wales said.

"Talk to you later then," I said. And then we hung up.

"Oh, New Zealand, can you come in here?" I heard dad call.

"Uh, no." I answered, not really wanting to talk to him.

"I didn't mean that as a question, come here," He demanded. I begrudgingly walked over to the kitchen where he was sipping his tea. He didn't look happy.

"Now, tomorrow you are going to see the therapist," He started.

"Ha!" Australia laughed as he passed the room.

"Don't laugh yet, you will be going tomorrow after school," Dad explained.

"What? Why?" Aus whined.

"Because you kids are messed up and need help,"

"Sounds about right," Canada added.

"Anyway, New Zealand, a therapist is expensive so make the most out of it, okay?" Dad said.

I rolled my eyes and left the kitchen. How many years did it take him to realise that we were messed up, not to mention it was mainly him that traumatised us. What a great dad. Although, at school, going to a therapist is pathetic, so I can't let anyone know.

As I was walking towards the stairs to go back to my bedroom, I remembered that I had time to get the weed without Canada knowing. I swiftly snuck out the door and started heading towards the back of the back garden.

I walked the long stretch until I made it too where the trees lined the forest. I entered, knowing that Canada's operation was in the forest shed. I eventually made it and looked in through the window. Yep, it was the right place.

I opened the shed door and walked inside. It was pretty small, but Canada seemed to make good use of the room. I looked around and admired his setup before going over to a small box that sat on a table in the corner.

I peaked in and found little sealed bags of weed. I reached my hand in and around five bags and hid them in my jacket.

I quickly left and shut the door. I walked slowly back through the forest until I came upon the house. With the weed hidden in my jacket, I wandered back inside and straight up to my room where I put the bags of weed into my school bag. I zipped it up and pushed it under my bed, just in case anything happened.

Well, I finally got a hold of some weed. I am still wondering if it is really as good as Brazil makes it out to be. I pulled out my phone to text Brazil, Russia and Iraq about my success and told them I would be bringing it tomorrow.

Brazil was the first to respond by saying how excited he was and how he would pay me back. Russia was proud of me and Iraq was just saying that he wasn't going to have it.

I'm not going to lie, but the temptation to try it then and there was huge and I almost did it. But I told myself to wait, so I opened the window and lit a normal cigarette instead.

Friends (Highschool AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora