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"We need to be quick, I don't want to get in trouble again," I said as I looked down at Bela. She seemed a little bit flustered which made her seem cute.

"I um, wanted to tell you something," She said nervously. I noticed her fiddling a little more with her skirt more than before.

"What did you want to tell me?" I smiled hoping to make her feel calmer. She just blushed more. I got a little bit concerned as she started stumbling over her words.

"well, I have been meaning to ask you for a long time now, but-" She started saying. I notice movement and may have shushed her to take a closer look.

"Zea? What are you doing?" Belarus put her hand on my shoulder while I started to walk away.

"Someone is here," I said getting distracted. I thought it might have been that guy.

"Who?" Belarus said nervously. I noticed her holding my hand as I went to check. I stood just around the corner from a couple of people whispering. I put my finger up to my mouth to make sure Bela knew to stay quiet. I counted to three under my breath.

1...2...3. I jumped out and confronted whoever was there. It was... uh, Canada and Ukraine making out. Canada and Ukraine looked at us and turned bright red.

"Uh, sorry," I said slowly backing away. Belarus looked shocked as she tried to process what was in front of us.

"Um, it's nice to see you two are finally dating," Ukraine said. I looked down and realised I was still holding Bela's hand. I let go of her hand and noticed her blushing bright red.

"We are just friends!" I shouted. Ukraine looked a little sympathetic, but not for me. He was looking at his Bela.

"Well, you two friend's had better get to class," Canada said uncomfortably.

"Oh, uh, yeah, we will be going now," I said as I walked around the corner. Bela walked behind me and didn't say a word. I felt bad on multiple levels. I then remembered that Belarus was going to ask me something. I stopped and she walked into the back of me.

I looked down at her and noticed that she looked a little bit sad. She looked up to me and gave me a confused look.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked her. Bela looked down at the ground.

"Don't worry about it, we need to get to class anyway," She sighed. She sounded kind of angry. Did I do something wrong?

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for my next lesson. I was already late, but I didn't really care anymore. I felt bad for Bela. As if I had done something to make her angry. I really hope Russia doesn't find out I made her upset.

I must have been quite caught up in my thoughts because I bumped into someone. He was slipping a note in someone's locker. He turned around and almost jumped when he saw me. He was taller than me and was not wearing the uniform. He wasn't a student and he definitely wasn't a teacher. Did this guy break into the school?

I remembered him from this morning. The kid in ratty clothes. Maybe he was working alongside the strange guy. He seemed rather awkward in this kind of confrontation and I can't say that I was any better.

"Who are you?" I asked awkwardly. I was kind of scared but it seemed obvious that this guy seemed more scared of me, for some reason. Maybe he found out what I had done to Argentina. I wouldn't blame him though.

"Um, are you New Zealand?" He asked nervously. I was confused for a second, and then it hit me. I knew who he was. Well, not who he was, but where I knew him from. He was one of the kids I had beaten up.

"Look, I'm so sorry! How is the stab wound?" I said slowly backing away from him. He looked a little bit angry which did not help my situation. He lifted his shirt to reveal the large scar from the knife he had been stabbed with.

"It's getting better, but you can't tell anyone I was here. Take this, we need to talk later,". That was a strange reaction. The guy ran off and out of the building. He seemed kind of nice. I was left on my own and now, I was really late to class.

At this point, I knew my two options. Turn up to class really late or go to the sickbay and pretend to be sick until the next period. I went for the second option and walked to the sickbay. I managed to fake a stomach ache and was allowed to stay until I felt better.

The only annoying thing was that I had to lie down and look at the ceiling for all of that time. It was so boring, but I guess I really needed that time to think through everything that had happened that day.

When I heard the bell ring for the final period, the school nurse checked on me. I told her I was feeling better and I started heading back to my locker. I checked my timetable. Physical education. At least I would be able to be in class with Wales. He could get my mind off things.

I caught up with him on the way to his locker.

"So, did she do it?!" He said, sounding excited.

"Did who do what?" I said, sounding confused. I saw the excitement fade from his eyes slightly.

"I guess she didn't then," Wales commented. We walked together down to the courts. We were playing basketball in PE and to be honest, I was getting bored with it. We lined up to be picked for teams and as always, I was picked last.

My team lost, but I didn't really care anyway. I sat on the bench with the others who were waiting to be tagged in. No one sat next to me and avoided talking to me at all costs. Finally, the bell rang for the end of the day and I walked inside. Another afternoon of detention. I couldn't be bothered skipping it.

I said goodbye to Wales. I couldn't find Bela though. I thought she must have already left or something. I walked into the detention room. I couldn't see Mr NATO anywhere in the room. I could see the three usual suspects and I went to take my seat at the back of the class.

I noticed Russia watching me and I immediately knew that this detention was not going to end well. When I saw Russia get up from his chair and walk over to me, I felt the same fear I would feel when Dad was going to beat me. I stayed calm though. Russia stood over me. I looked up at him, I was terrified.

"What did you do to my sister?" He said in an angry tone. I looked around frantically. Without Mr NATO, this would end badly.

"I-I don't know," I mumbled. He punched in the eye and I fell off my seat. I backed away from him as I covered my eye with my hand. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the wall, I could feel my nose start bleeding.

"Stop! I didn't do anything!!" I shouted as I tried to get away from him. He threw me to the ground. I managed to stand up and dodge his attacks. I picked up a chair and used it as a shield against him.

Friends (Highschool AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ