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I left for school early the next day. I didn't want to bother Maori after what had happened last night. She can get grumpy when she is tired. I was looking forward to seeing Bela at school again today.

After walking several blocks away from the house, I took my bag off of my back and pulled out the pack of cigarettes. I lit the cigarette and continued walking. It seemed to wake me up a little bit more. I don't know what I would do without them.

I had almost arrived at school when I noticed Wales walking past. I quickly flung the cigarette out of my mouth and ducked behind a bush. I didn't know he travelled this way to get to his school. I could tell he was looking over my way, but I was sure he hadn't seen me. I waited until he continued walking before I hopped out from behind the bush.

I pulled out another cigarette and continued on my way to school.

On the way, I ran into Nada. He wasn't impressed to see me smoking, but he was such a hypocrite anyway. I walked past him without saying anything to him. To be honest, I don't think he was wanting to talk either.

I entered the school premises. I was there early, again. For the few people that were in the hallways, they all looked at me judgmentally. I couldn't care less if people saw me smoking. They don't even care about me and I don't care about them.

I came to my locker. New graffiti. The past few days, I hadn't really noticed, but now, it was awful. I opened my locker to see a new note. I opened it. 'I hope you get t#rrorists' it said.

I put the note in my pocket for later. I put my bag in my locker and left for the library. But before I walked in, I noticed NK sitting by himself outside. He was the writer of the note.

I was going to just throw my cigarette in the bushes, but I had another plan. I walked over to him and he looked up at me. Without thinking, I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth and pressed the burning end against his forehead. He screamed and I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Telling on me won't help your case. Everyone here hates and no one cares if you cry," I said in a hush tone. My words were backed up by no one coming to help him. I lifted the cigarette off of his forehead and dropped it on the ground.

I walked into the library.

I headed over to the graphic novels section and grabbed a new book off the shelf. It was the story about an anti-villain. It was quite different to all the superhero comics there are typically on the shelves.

After a few minutes, I heard some kind of commotion outside. It got me interested, assuming it would have something to do with NK.

I put the book back on the shelf and went outside to see what was going on. As I looked over the small crowd, I saw that I was right about NK. I could see the scar on his forehead. He looked angry. Suddenly I saw him pick up a crutch and held it above his head.

I quickly pushed past the crowd and pushed NK to the ground. I saw Bela lying on the ground and I helped her up. She used the one crutch she had to support herself while I walked over to NK who was getting off the ground.

"What the f#ck did I tell you!" I shouted at him and punched him once in the face. I grabbed the crutch from him and walked back over to Bela who was just watching me.

I gave her the crutch and helped her hobble out of the crowd. I brought her to the back of the school where she could catch her breath. As we sat down, she hugged me tightly. I noticed that she was crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I think so. I guess I really am weak." She muttered to herself.

"No, you are the strongest person I have ever met." I smiled, hugging her tighter.

"I'm a failure. Esti was right. I got shot in the foot, and it's true, I cried. I cried like a baby. I'm not strong." She began to sob heavily. I just kept holding her.

"Hey! Getting shot in the foot is awful! I don't blame you for crying. It's normal, it's strong of you that you didn't scream. I would have screamed," I explained to her.

But, no matter what I would tell her, she wouldn't believe me. I promised to walk with her to her locker and pretty much be her bodyguard while she is in her vulnerable state.

Luckily for me, it didn't seem like NK was going to rat on me. I led Bela to her class and promised to keep her safe. She was thankful but she still seemed quite upset.

She went into her homegroup and I walked mine. As I entered the room I noticed Aus wasn't there. I guess he could have been late.

Mr Sweden did the same thing we always do and Aus still didn't show up. It seemed kind of concerning. At the end of homegroup, Mr Sweden held me behind.

"New Zealand, I know you are close to your brother and your father told me to tell you that Australia will be back at school by first break. Apparently he is going to therapy," Mr Sweden explained.

It did put my mind at ease a little. I know how he can be and how many close calls he has been involved in.

I ran back to Bela to ensure she is okay and I helped her to her next class. There was a lot of back and forth running throughout the day and a lot of being late to class, but I didn't mind it.

But just before first break, I ran into Aus.

Hi, Author here...

This is the 69th chapter...

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